Fragments of Gluten that Trigger Celiac Disease Isolated


If you have an immune system disorder called celiac disease or are allergic to gluten (or know that someone who is), then you know that eating the wrong thing can lead to severe pain.

Even though the role of gluten in celiac disease has been known for 60 years, researchers have just pinpointed the peptide sequence in gluten that cause the body's immune system to wreak havoc in your tummy:

Bob Anderson, a celiac disease researcher at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Victoria, Australia, and fellow researchers recruited more than 200 celiac disease patients for their study. Participants ate servings of bread, rye muffins or boiled barley for three days. Six days after the experiment started, the researchers drew blood samples.

They tested the samples to see how strongly immune cells in the blood reacted to more than 2,700 different gluten peptides (relatively short chains of amino acids). Ninety of the peptides elicited some response, and three in particular generated the biggest reaction.

"The holy grail in celiac disease research has been to identify the toxic peptide components of gluten, and that's what we've done," Anderson said in a statement. "These three components account for the majority of the immune response to gluten."


I will be forwarding this article to my sister *right now*. She's been suffering a lot of stomach pains lately and the doctors have been struggling to figure out the source. The recently suggested that it may likely be celiac disease, and the fact that she, who's already a type 1 diabetic (like myself and our father), would have to suffer through a second major problem in her life really upset me.
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This article is dangerous and wrong. First it calls Celiac an allergy. It is not. The researcher is involved in a company that claims to treat allergies by exposing people to small fragments of an allergen. This may work for pollen or milk, but Celiac is not an allergy. Exposing patients with Celiac to gluten fragments will do nothing but make them sick. Secondly, Stanford researchers reported similar results in isolating the gluten fragments as far back as 2002.
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i have been living gluten free since 1989, and sick for a long time before that, the more exposer we get the more we can eat in time, it is so much better now than 20 yrs ago trying and getting food to eat... all the info is not ever exact, but always welcome...thanks.

fairbanks alaska
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It's sad, but Celiac's disease is one of those peculiar illnesses that quacks, hucksters, dimwits, and hypochondriacs swarm to. This makes life difficult for the small minority of "sufferers" who actually have the disease. With many such diseases the reason why is obvious, the disease is poorly defined and almost anyone can be led to believe that they have it -- in the case of Celiac disease this is less clear, the diagnosis through intestinal biopsy is pretty empirical and standard, but there has been a proliferation of individuals claiming to have the disease without actually having had the intestinal biopsy necessary to accurately diagnose it.
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I am one of those sufferers who have gone without getting the diagnosis. My grandmother on my mothers side, along with my aunt and uncle. If I eat gluten-containing foods, I feel as though I am slowly dying. I am sick for at least a week and I have all sorts of terrible, terrible symptoms. I don't need a test to tell me I shouldn't eat it, as I feel freaking great when I don't.
Gluten intolerance is actually more widespread than your ass-hat moronic brain would be able to comprehend. Even though they may not be Celiac, there are many who are intolerant to wheat/gluten - possibly 1 out of 3 people in America. So before you go around tromping and proclaiming your intellectual superiority to the "quacks, hucksters, dimwits, and hypocondriacs", maybe you should educate yourself a little bit more.
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I am currently on an experimental gluten free diet. I've had a flare up of digestive issues in recent months and also have chronic anemia. I have an aunt with confirmed Celiac, which she developed in her mid 30s.

It is a real disease. It is not an allergy, however, rather it is more like an auto-immune disorder. There has been an increase in it lately, believed to be due to GM wheat.

The most reliable test to diagnoise Celiac is an endoscopy with biopsy. This is considered 'outpatient surgery' and requires fasting, a day off work, a ride to the hospital, a $150 co-pay and having a tube shoved through your upper digestive system. I've had two endoscopys (no biopsys, though) previously, and its not something I'm in a rush to do again. Hence the dietary experiment.
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