A reliable HIV-prevention method for women has thus far proved hard to come by, leaving many millions of at-risk women subject to their partner's decision about condoms.
But a gel that can be applied discretely could severely cut back on HIV, a disease that currently infects an estimated 33 million people worldwide. Researchers involved in the new study calculated that if about a third of women in South Africa could use this gel, in the next 20 years, 1.3 million HIV infections—and 820,000 HIV-related deaths—could be prevented in that country alone.
Link | Image: NIH
I hope this half-effective treatment doesn't encourage twice the reckless behaviour.
Can they combine it with a superstrong spermicide please, or only make it available to women already on the pill?
54% may not seem like much, and it's certainly not enough if you have the power to insist on a condom, but it is a step in the right direction.