Tired of dealing with the rising number of accidents on the road, Indian police came upon a novel (and they say, surprisingly effective) approach: harnessing the positive-power of pyramids!
The stretch of the Mumbai-Kolkata National Highway near Nagpur city was among 12 spots identified as most accident-prone but now the stretch is considered safe. “No accidents have occurred in these accident-prone spots in the past six months,” Bernama quoted Nagpur Commissioner of Police (Rural) Yashasvi Yadav as saying.
“I am no great propagator of Vasthu Sastra but, in the public interest, we will try to adopt new ideas,” he said. If the experiment proved successful, police would install Vasthu pyramids in 30 to 40 “killer” stretches, he added.
This may sound illogical to some people but not for Nagpur police who are serious about saving lives on the roads. The number of accidents in the city, home to 2.5 million people, had been increasing since 2003, with about 500 human casualties on the road a year.
“Most accidents happen because of the negative energy surrounding these places. Suicides, accidents and murders happen when people are surrounded by negative energy. Using pyramids, we can try to correct the negative energy,” said Vasthu expert Sushil Fatehpuria, 50, who offered his service for free to Nagpur police.
Honestly, I find the article harmless. Believers gonna believe, skeptic's gonna be skeptical. You probably know as well as I do that it's pretty much impossible to change people's minds.
That said, there's nothing like a side of reality to go with your woo woo platter.
I don't care that the article is about pseudoscience, but I do care that Alex's comment was anti-rational thought. Critical thinking is boring? Fuck off.
Believing in/accepting Woo undermines critical thinking and can have dire consequences, from losing money to dead albinos in Africa (http://whatstheharm.net/).
We do not need fairy tales; the real world is fascinating enough!
On any mention of any phenomena that is not currently accepted by scientific orthodoxy, they say that the whole thing is ridiculous and demand that further research or discussion on the topic be stopped because it's an insult to science.
Not that anyone did, but posting a derogatory term and a generic link is hardly in the spirit of scientific debate.
Sure, this article doesn't prove anything. The police chief might be a quack. But going from a rate of an accident every week or two to none is six months is significant, if it is true.
Is because of the pyramids? Is it because of something else? Who knows? Seeing how the cost of installing additional pyramids is..uh...zero, I can't see any harm in trying this, as a means of isolating this variable.
If you think this is mumbo-jumbo, crack open a quantum physics textbook and report back.
believing in pyramid power, and using government funds to carry it out (in a country where toilets are a luxury in some areas) is patently ridiculous.
Suzy's not very polite. Rational thinkers at James Randi's site post stuff like this all the time. Alex isn't saying this is fact; he's just posting it.