Crash Test Dummies Land at The Smithsonian

Photo: Hugh Talman / Smithsonian Institute

Remember Vince and Larry, the crash test dummies in the 1980s public service annoucements promoting seat belts?

[YouTube Clip]

Well, the dynamic duo have a new gig - they're headed to the Smithsonian:

Washington's Smithsonian National Museum of American History has acquired the costumes and assorted body parts of the dummies Vince and Larry that were used as part of the road-safety TV campaign through the 1980s and 1990s. The ad's tagline was "You could learn a lot from a dummy." [...]

General Motors donated an actual crash test dummy. The Hybrid III dummy spent 15 years taking a beating in the company's testing units, suffering barrier crash tests, sled tests and out-of-position airbag tests.

"He didn't live the celebrity lifestyle of Vince and Larry," GM vice president Michael J. Robinson said. "So, it's good to see him retire in the relative comfort of the Smithsonian."


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Neato, you are right. Larry was voiced by the great Lorenzo Music (also the original voice of Peter Venkman on The Real Ghostbusters, the greatest cartoon of all time).
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