Peter Wagner made this trike to go over or through any obstacles that it encounters. It even has paddle wheels to traverse water. It's called the "Whymcycle Express", and is much a sculpture as a means of transportation:
Stock fork surpassed by adding rear 2/3's of a full suspension mountain bike as the springer front end. Double rimmed drum brake 16" laced to 26" alloy, get us height, braking and with plastic lawn sign in between the spokes, a dandy rudder!! Also tripled up on Torrington freewheeling axel bearings for the rear drive component. 3 of them with 6 all-thread bolts thru their sprocket teeth, making them act as one, ideally reducing by 2/3's the strain on each one..also bolted by the 6 all-threads, a 65 tooth Schwinn Exerciser cog..dune/mud/hillclimb to test them this weekend @ the da Vinci Days Kinetic Sculpture Race in Corvallis. OR.
That fork innovation's going onto my full suspension tallie Real soon....
Rear wheel 'overwheels' are 40" trampolines for mud/sand/water paddle wheels....shall see if they survive the test weekend also....
Link via Make | Photo: Peter Wagner