Archive for July 15th, 2010

Ice Cream Cone Fan and Gun Fan to Help You Beat the Heat

Ice Cream Cone Fan - $7.95Hot enough for you? Beat the heat with this super cool ice cream cone fan from the NeatoShop. Guaranteed not to melt in your hand: LinkGun Fan - $4.95Ice cream fan not your thing? Perhaps a mach...

Twaggies Turn Your Tweets Into Pics

Twaggies, a website by Kiersten Essenpreis (@K_Essenpreis) and our very own David Israel (@resila), take random weird tweets and turn them into even weirder visuals. This one above, by comedian Michael Ian Black (@mi...

Driving on Beer Bottles

Walking on eggshells is probably nothing for Li Guiwen of Beijing. After all, he has driven on beer bottles:Li Guiwen, an army driver from Beijing, steered along 1,798 bottles for 60.19m in a time of eight minutes an...

Boring New England Places Made Awesome by H.P. Lovecraft

In the permalink of Topless Robot awesome list of 6 Boring New England Destinations Made Awesome by H.P. Lovecraft waits: Providence, RIWhere do we even begin? Lovecraft was born in Providen...

Will The Vermontasaurus Go Extinct?

Photo: venture327 [Flickr]Millions of years after is brethren went extinct, a modern day dinosaur made from scrap wood may go extinct ... for lack of a building permit:Does a 25-foot-tall, 122-foot-long dinosaur need...

Crash Test Dummies Land at The Smithsonian

Photo: Hugh Talman / Smithsonian Institute Remember Vince and Larry, the crash test dummies in the 1980s public service annoucements promoting seat belts?...

Lucky Charms Actually Do Work!

Why are some of the world's best athletes also some of the most superstitious? Because lucky charms actually do work, according to psychologists Lysann Damisch of the University of Cologne:In one of the experiments,...

Spirit Airlines: Bringing Luggage on Vacation is "Not Essential"

If you think that airlines are nickle and diming you with fees, that's because they are. Airlines contend that the majority of these fees are for extraneous stuff not essential for travel. Like, for instance, luggage.Ind...

Putting On Uniform = Overtime!

Are you fed up with the hassle of putting on your workclothes or uniform in the morning? So was German policeman Martin Schauder. He calculated how long it takes him to dress each morning ... and used it to earn overtime...

Before Fail Whale

Lifting a Dreamer (2002)If that sketch looks familiar, that's because it's the original sketch by Yiying Lu that later became the all-too-familiar Twitter Fail Whale:This piece that would eventually become the Twitte...

Perspective Sculptures by James Hopkins

"cat & mouse" (2005)In his art series "Perspective Sculptures," British artist James Hopkins uses optical illusions to transform what appears to be a random jumble of objects into a particular ima...

Matchmaking Mom: Date My Single Kid Website

Mothers playing matchmaker for their children is probably as old as humanity itself. After all, when grown kids can't seem to find a mate, what's a yenta, ... er loving mom to do?Nevertheless, 63-year-old Geri Brin's det...

Travel The Invisible Highway

There are more insects in the atmosphere than you'll ever see. In fact, you don't see them all because they fly really high. How high? NPR has an animated video with the surprising answers. When British scientist Jason...

Innovative Products From the Past That Never Were

We can always dream up new products that make life easier, no matter how difficult they would be to actually produce. In 1939, Popular Science predicted that we would one day received newspapers printed at home with...

The 10 Best Bars in Namibia

Something tells me that these guys aren't at all gloomy! This is one of ten creatively-named night spots in Namibia listed at Buzzfeed. Did I say "creatively-named"? It's possible these bar names were pulled out of a...

QR Code Billboard

A QR code is a two dimensional visual code that can contain a large amount of information and read by many smart phones and other mobile devices. Think of it as a sophisticated barcode that you can scan with a phone and...

A Parcel Named May Pierstorff

What's the strangest parcel you ever received in the mail? I'll bet it doesn't compare to a 48 1/2 pound  four year old girl named May Pierstorff. May's parents decided to send their daughter for a visit with her...

Functional Exoskeleton for the Disabled

(YouTube Link) Hayden Allen hasn't walked in five years, but in this video, he's able to move around using a new type of exoskeleton called REX: Called REX, short for "robotic exoskeleton", the legs weigh 38...

FarmVille Now Offers Organic Crops

If you're an environmentally conscious FarmVille player, you may be concerned about the impact that your agricultural practices are having on the environment. After all, the pesticides that you use on your farm could se...

All-Terrain Trike

Peter Wagner made this trike to go over or through any obstacles that it encounters. It even has paddle wheels to traverse water. It's called the "Whymcycle Express", and is much a sculpture as a means of transport...

10 YouTube Success Stories

Here's a list of YouTube clips that helped launch people's careers, and the stories of how a homemade video, or a collection of them, can get the attention of key folks in high places. The list includes clips of Justin B...

Nat Geo AMAZING! (Win a Free Book)

Photo: Agnes Milowka, Wes/Karst Productions Our pal National Geographic has launched a very neat TV series and companion book called Nat Geo AMAZING! The series and book are jam-pac...

18th-Century Ship Found at WTC Site

On Tuesday, workers digging a new level for a vehicle security center at the World Trade Center site ran into a set of evenly-spaced wooden beams. Had someone been building a boat in a basement? “They were so perfectl...

Stand-up Paddling Reaches America's Lakes and Rivers

A relatively new form of recreation that originated in Hawaii is now spreading to the lakes of mid-America.  At ocean beaches, the stand-up position offers the participant a better view of incoming swells, and on la...

What Is It? Game 145

W00t! It's time for this week's collaboration with the always perplexing What Is It? Blog. Can you tell us what the strange contraption above is used for?Place your guess in the comment section. One guess per comment, pl...

Secrets of Grand Central Station

Grand Central Terminal in New York City is the largest train station in the world, processing 700,000 visitors a day. It's an impressive demonstration of technology and logistics, and Daniel Terdiman at cnet ha...

1. At the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame in Saratoga Springs, NY, humans get less respect than their hoofed pals. Although 179 horses have been inducted there, only 91 jockeys have made the cut. 2. Bei...

The Man Who Saved Lives With Mayonnaise

s. Documentary filmmaker Philippe Mora tells how his father (aka Mr. Mayonnaise) worked with the French Resistance and mime, Marcel Marceau, (pictured above with Mora), to rescue refugee children during WW2. H...

Stickman Action Figure

Stickman Action Figure - $11.95Make your own public safety warning sign with the ultra-posable Stickman Action Figure. Warning: it's a lot of fun and highly addictive! From the NeatoShop: Link | More Action Figuresaction...

Pork Remix

Pork! It's the meat of kings!It's made from pig, try it with onion rings.Pork sure goes with everything, cause it's made from swine, and swine sure tastes fine.Just bring some to the picnic baby,You know you wanna st...


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