Dyslexic Postman Can't Read Addresses

Wayne Daniels delivered mail for the British Royal Mail service -until March, when it was discovered that he had dumped 420 letters instead of delivering them. The 25-year-old man pleaded guilty to theft and delaying the mail on Monday. Daniels' defense lawyer explained why he did it.
Fran Tyler, defending, said: “He suffers from dyslexia and he was struggling to read the addresses.

“He said it was an impulsive action born out of frustration and said it was a disgrace to himself and to the Royal Mail. He had not discussed the problem with colleagues because of a mixture of pride and embarrassment.”

Daniels was ordered to pay a fine and perform community service. Link -via Arbroath

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Years ago a co-worker was asked by his neighbor to fill out his income tax because he couldn't read. Neighbor was a mail sorter who had leaned to recognize the names of towns on the envelopes.
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