Why You Should be a Slacker: Perfectionists Die Earlier

Are you a perfectionist? You may just be on your way to an early grave:

Those with high perfectionism scores, meaning they placed high expectations on themselves to be perfect, had a 51-percent increased risk of death compared to those with low scores.

The researchers suspect high levels of stress and anxiety, which are known to be linked with perfectionism, might contribute to the decrease in lifespan.

Next, they reasoned that if perfectionism showed this association in a normal population, it might have an even greater impact on those with a chronic disease, which would put their bodies under even more stress.

The researchers did find exceptions, however, as perfectionists with type 2 diabetes may have better chance of survival than non-perfectionists with the same disease. Rachael Rettner of LiveScience has more: Link

This is interesting - if true. Because you would think slackers like myself make poor lifestyle choices because they are lazier, and more impatient. I recognise that in myself, but I find it hard to break the habit - although I am currently reading "The Time Paradox", to try to change my 'present hedonist' lifestyle; the book was previously promoted on this website.

I also doubt their methodology, it would be impossible to judge a perfectionist from a slacker in all but the most extreme cases. Although do support the use a rather large group of 500 people to check their hypothesis. People who perfectionists may also suffer from mental health problems that cause their perfectionism - this could be a greater cause of shortened lifespan, and a cause of their perfectionism.

In the end, I don't want to live too long!
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Not being a perfectionist does not make you a slacker.

@ indiestonerkid
When they talk about perfectionism causing anxiety, I believe that mental illness could be included in that statement. Generally perfectionism is most highly correlated with anxiety disorders, especially OCD but also general anxiety disorder, panick attacks, phobias etc... and also anorexia and bulimia, which isn't an anxiety disorder, but is highly correlated with both perfectionism and OCD.
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