(YouTube Link)
Leroy Anderson (1908-1975) was a composer of pops orchestral music. In 1950, he wrote "The Typewriter", a short piece that featured a mechanical typewriter. The above video is a 2008 performance of that piece by the Strauss Festival Orchestra, featuring percussionist Martin Breinschmid on the typewriter.
Article Link via The Presurfer | Previously: The Last Generation of Typewriter Repairmen
Thanks for sharing the link! I haven't heard this in years, and I've never seen a film of it in performance.
They'd better hang onto that typewriter, though. In about 50 years you won't be able to find any of these and this piece will be lost to the ages : )
I've always liked this piece. Leroy Anderson captured a whole era with his music.
That was so much fun to play! A very pretty clarinet player was our typist. She did a phenomenal job with acting out the part. Coincidentally, she was the junior high school principle's daughter. She was cool in that she never took advantage of who her dad was. Those were some great days! :)
Alex, go sit in the corner and hang your head. Now!
Take Kalel with you.