...or to gobbledegook, depending on what your phone number is. The website "PhoneSpell" will convert strings of 3-16 numbers to their phone-dial-equivalent letter combinations.
The sequence 632867262, for example, can spell "Neatorama." But it can also spell "Me-atop-Ana" or "Me-atop-boa" or "Me-bums-Ana" or any of several dozen other equally nonsensical phrases. The search engine can also reverse engineer a number for you after you enter a word or phrase.
Give it a try, and if your home/cell/work phone has a particularly apt alphabetical equivalent, feel free to enter the (non-numerical) result in the Comments section.
Link, via 22 Words.
The sequence 632867262, for example, can spell "Neatorama." But it can also spell "Me-atop-Ana" or "Me-atop-boa" or "Me-bums-Ana" or any of several dozen other equally nonsensical phrases. The search engine can also reverse engineer a number for you after you enter a word or phrase.
Give it a try, and if your home/cell/work phone has a particularly apt alphabetical equivalent, feel free to enter the (non-numerical) result in the Comments section.
Link, via 22 Words.
Comments (17)
I use a similar one with 'ten' in the results, and it's confusing to give to people. What's your number? Ten Buck. So the number 10 and then buck; that's only 6! You scammer!
I know someone who used to have a phone number where the last 4 digits spelled out "NUDE". Needless to say, it was an easy number to remember.
PT Barnum would be so proud.
I got RAT-NUTS for my Google Voice number.
Alas, it was already taken. I would have been so thrilled to have RAT-FINK as my phone number.
Exactly - it's not like there isn't some giant public directory of phone numbers delivered for free to people's doors or anything.
Both random draws on the part of the phone company
Oh, the potential for abuse...