Woman Blames Crash on Vampire

An unnamed woman in Colorado backed her car into a canal near the town of Fruita Sunday night. She told police that she saw a vampire in the road and was so scared she put her car into reverse and backed away, ending up in the canal.
She was not injured. Her husband arrived on the scene and took her home. Troopers do not suspect alcohol or drugs to be factors in this accident.

They added that they found no evidence of a vampire.

Link (with video)

Fruita, CO? It was obviously Mike the Headless Chicken.

(I do love that the police felt the need to point out that they found no evidence of a vampire.)
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I wonder what type of vampire it was, if it was Wesley Snipes kitted out in his armor it'd be something to worry about. If it was a glittery vampire from any of Stephenie Meyer's works, I'd have run them over.
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