Photo: Donald Bradley/Kansas City Star
Are Democrats a party of parasites who give handouts to people who don't work, by taxing those who do? That's what farmer Donald Jungerman claimed when he put up a trailer along a freeway in Missouri with the words:
Are you a Producer or Parasite
Democrats - Party of Parasites
Well, it turns out that Jungerman himself got government handouts, to the tune of over $1 million!
After a story about Jungerman’s trailer ran in Sunday’s Star, however, some readers called him a hypocrite for criticizing others for getting government help while taking government subsidies paid for by taxpayers.
Jungerman said he put up the sign to protest people who pay no taxes, but, “Always have their hand out for whatever the government will give them” in social programs.
Crop subsidies are different, he said. When crop prices dip below a certain point, the federal government makes up the difference with a subsidy payment.
Donald Bradley of the Kansas City Star has the story of the classic "in my case, it's completely different" defense: this English? Come on man.
Hilarious how he got shown up; I wonder if he'll refuse his next "farm subsidy" handout to prove his point? Somehow, I doubt it.
Putting thought into things before acting is another lost skills these days. Perhaps this gentleman could have taken a moment to think about who's buttering his morning toast before deciding to be deliberately inflammatory for the sake of it. Calling a large group of people "parasites" is obviously his right, but he won't win many friends or converts that way nor will those actions inspire any real discourse or debate. I also hope he never falls upon any hard times of his own, it's easy to paint people with a broad brush until you're one of them.
That being said, dude writes with a broad brush.
It takes roughly one acre of arable land to feed one person for one year. There are 640 acres per square mile. That translates to about 1500 square miles of cropland per million people. The population of New York City is roughly 8 million, which means NYC's non-local agricultural footprint is somewhere in the neighborhood of 12,000 square miles.
It's in the public interest for US food production to be in the hands of a large number of independent, competing farmers. We don't want to be at the mercy of a handful of mega-corporations for our food, the way we are for our petroleum products.
Farming is the kind of capital-intensive, high-risk business that tends to breed monopolies. A corporation with farms all over the country can survive a 5-year drought in the midwest better than an equivalent acreage of independent family farms. That means the corporation would also be well situated to buy said family farms at a greatly reduced price when the independent operators go bankrupt.
Generally speaking, we don't want the bulk of our domestic food production to fall under the control of a handful of large corporations. Having a large number of independent famers keeps commodity prices competitive, and makes it very hard for anyone to artificially limit the production of any particular commodity. That would not be true if our food supply was like our oil supply.
We've already seen that governments can only push so hard on large, extremely wealthy corporations. Governments have even less clout against corporations that have the power to decide who gets to eat what, and at what price.
Complain about farm subsidies all you want, but just watch what happens to your food bills if they ever go away.
The Aristocracy of Pull.
Where business and its leaders advanced not through merit or providing value to their customers, but by their political connections. Those without connections (or who refused to call in their favors) simply couldn't compete. And while those who made the back room deals thought they were setting themselves up for the future, in reality they were just delaying the inevitable decline - since there will always be someone else with greater influence who can undermine you with a sweeter deal.
Typical "corporations are teh evul!!!". Are you aware that those terrible corporations are themselves the largest beneficiary of those subsidies you support?
Oh, but it's better to have lots of small farmers, the same way we all have small workshops that produce handmade cars, electronics, etc.
How about we get rid of farm subsidies and see what happens? After all, if as you claim our food prices shoot up then we can reintroduce them.
The Wall Streeters and K Streeters are pretty parasitic, too.
I hear ya. They say don't throw the baby out with the bath water... but that damn baby was the one that dirtied it!
The guy's a kook; why attack him? I would think people could be bigger than that. This whole "Gotcha" business is as immature and vicious as high school.
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