Professional Dog Poop Scooper Finds $58 in Dog Poop

I didn't even know that this was actual job. Apparently some people pick up other people's dogs' poop for a living. One lucky soul in this profession recently found $58 in a fresh pile:

In this photo provided by DoodyCalls Pet Waste Removal, Steve Wilson, a worker with DoodyCalls Pet Waste Removal holds a plastic bag of money May 30, 2010, in St. Louis. On a recent call, he noticed money sticking out from doggie doo and after cleaning the bills, placed them in a plastic zip-locked bag and returned what turned out to be $58 to the customer. The money was torn, but the serial numbers were identifiable, which means the bills could be returned to a bank and replaced with new money.

Link via The Presurfer | Photo: AP

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Long ago in London, there were those who owed their very lives to dog droppings, as the dog waste could be gathered up around the City, and sold to the tanneries.

This kept many 'pure finders' from starvation in hard times.
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When it snows for four or five months straight, it makes it difficult/unappealing to get out there and pick up after your dog.

In northern Idaho I think the going rate for pick up is around $28 an hour with a $28 minimum.

I am not a lazy person, but $28 is an attractive price rather than spend several weekends cleaning up after each winter. Yet, I do it all myself.
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