Blind Dog Has Seeing Eye Dog

Ellie, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, is almost completely blind. Her owner is trying to find the money necessary for eye surgery. In the meantime, Leo, a German Shepherd, has taken up the role of seeing eye dog for Ellie.

"Ellie has cataracts on both eyes and is only aware of shadows," explains Jean Spencer, manager of Rochdale's Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in an interview with the Manchester Evening News. "But Leo, who's an absolutely massive dog, has become her eyes. It's touching to watch them together. She follows him around and snuggles up to him."

The dogs' owner, Julie Lander, described how Leo helps Ellie:
Lander goes on to explain how Leo's almost 90 pounds of bulk helps keep his new charge safe. "I take them for walks in the park and Leo guides Ellie around. He is so protective and herds the more boisterous dogs away from her," Julie says.

Link via J-Walk Blog | Photo: Emma Williams, Manchester Evening News Syndication

Previously: White Cane for Blind Dog

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I have a blind chihuahua mix and an aussie shepherd. The blind one acts almost like a therapy dog for the aussie. Blind dogs are absolutely amazing, and I find inspiration in my blind pup every day. She's had both eyes removed, yet she still plays fetch and rarely bumps into things. She uses a combination of scent and "echolocation"..she literally listens for her sounds bouncing off of objects to tell where they are. She will run into people sometimes, chain link fences, and objects that are shorter than her knees, and that's about it.
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