(YouTube link)
Zach Anner came back from a weekend trip surprised to find that his audition for a television contest had over two million votes! So he made a video to express his appreciation. -via reddit
Update: John Mayer posted a response to the above video. Link
You're just butthurt because of the vote count.
You're allowed to vote over and over again.
As a matter of fact, I think I will do that right now.
And I'm going to send the link to everyone I know and post it on every single forum I visit and then urge them to do the same.
It's called "going viral", good sir. It is legitimate. And people will keep voting.
He's pretty good at faking the posture of someone with Cerebral Palsy. I wish him the best of luck with the show I'm sure he'll be getting. I thought it was a really great idea for a show, and he's full of charisma so I think he'll be a hit.
And come on people.... see that cute lil green thing w/ the do not feed sign in the chat box you used to comment? Yeah... follow the sign.
Lol at crawling the marathon. Double Lolz at the John Mayer pic with him.
Yes, Hmmm. Americans are twats.