The Hidden Posters of Notting Hill Gate

Workers on the renovation of London Underground's Notting Hill Gate Station were recently surprised (flabbergasted in fact) to discover a long abandoned passageway with all the original advertising posters from the 1950s still intact.

In around 1959 Notting Hill Tube Station underwent modernisation. The old lifts were abandoned and new escalators were installed. The passageways to the lift were sealed off. Recent work at the station has rediscovered these passageways and when they were opened they revealed a marvellous time capsule. The adverts which were on the walls the day the passageways were sealed off remained and reveal a world long since disappeared.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by taliesyn30.

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They are a nice find and I do like them but the thing that I find most striking is that I find them not revealing "a world long since disappeared" but revealing how the little things have actually changed.

Excursions are still advertised by various coach and river cruise services, theatres still promote the latest shows, and cinemas promote their films. You will still see toothpaste or other posters for various health products. You will still see ads for car rentals (didn't know they had them then to be fair) and small ads publishers still promote themselves with Gumtree being the current flavour. The Ideal Home Exhibition is still running and it's still at the Olympia and you will still see the Science Museum telling us about their latest exhibition.
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We have beer vending machines here in the Czech Republic. They are able to read personal ID cards to verify the buyer's age. No special "beer pass" is needed.
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Call me old-fashioned, but I don't have an ATM card or a debit card. I just don't like machines (or people) having access to my bank account. There are too many horror stories here in the US. I use a credit card for everything. Not only does it keep the transactions separate from my bank, but I also earn frequent flyer miles.
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Oh I had the pleasure of going into a pay toilet in Verona Italy. Nastiest experience ever.
It's clean, but everything gets hosed down after each use... and being a girl, and there being no seat on the extremely high stool... my ass got completely wet. That's not bad though... the freaking toilet paper only allowed you like 4 sheets of that sandpaper crap that doesn't soak of anything. AWFUL.
We learned our lesson after that. Did what everyone else did, located the closest McDonalds and used their toilets.. even though those weren't any better...but at least they were free.
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Hmm, I am a bit surprised about cigarette vending machines being special or rare, they're everywhere around here. Just like condom machines or those for personal hygiene articles....
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You totally missed out on the Art-O-Mat!

"Art-o-mat machines are retired cigarette vending machines that have been converted to vend art. There are 82 active machines in various locations throughout the country."
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Live bait vending machines were around well before 1993. As a kid in the 70's and 80's I can remember buying many a syrofoam cup of worms from them. It didn't seem odd at all at the time.
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i'm surprised no one has mentioned the vending machines at the top of mt. fuji here. it was a bit of a shocker to climb to the top carrying a victory beer and then realizing i could have just bought one from the vending machines up there. they were even mt fuji branded.
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I remember buying cigarettes from a machine in a pool hall as a kid, ahh the good ol' days :)

I still see them around but now only at clubs and bars where you have to be at least 18 or 21 to get in anyway
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Hi everybody!

In Pals, nothern spain there is a medieval curch with a candle vending machine, so the priest can be resting at home (in spanish)
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we used to have a lobster claw machine in one of the korean shopping center on Oahu. By the time I went back to try it, it was gone. But evidently people won things, since their pictures were up right near the machine.
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I remember seeing the cigarette machines everywhere when I was growing up (80s/90s). They were mostly in the entrances to restaurants and in hotels and stuff. But I haven't seen one in forever. I don't go to bars but I guess it makes sense that they'd be there if anywhere. In Florida that's the only public place you can smoke anyway (I'm not sure which other states are the same but I know there are several). I imagine this is part of the reason for the change as well as, of course, liability of giving minors easy access to tobacco.

The crow vending machine is truly awesome.
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In my neighborhood in Rome there are 3 gorgeous cigarette vending machines, and that's only counting the once I know of. None of those require anything more than a few Euros! (no IDs, nothing) I have upped my cigarette intake by a 100%! God bless those crazy Romans, they honestly don't give a rat's culo when it comes to these things.

Other terrible practices they have done away with a)Paying for public transport b)Driving Sober.

Brings tears of joy to my eyes, just thinking about it.
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There's a live lobster claw machine at Happy Endings in Hollywood (its a bar/restaurant, not a "massage parlor"). If you win one, the chef will cook it for you for free! My buddy won one, and it was delish. Although the whole concept is kinda disturbing to me.
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I work at a casino in South Dakota, and there are cigarette vending machines at many of them, which do not require age verification. If you've got $5, you can get a pack of ciggys.
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"Cigarette machines are only seen in antique stores in America these days, but they are still used in japan"

Well that's not true is it.
They're in almost every pub I've been in (I live in England) and from what I've heard they're not too rare in America either - I haven't got first hand experience of that though.

And you just put your money in, no cards needed, if you're in the pub it's just taken for granted that you're 18. And it used to be 16 but the age is just going up for everything now which is ridiculous and if the drinking age goes up to 21 I will be the first to protest, even if it will only affect me for a few months.

Anyway I'm rambling and digressing. So yeah, cigarette machines shouldn't be on the "strange and wonderful vending machines" list.
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There's an Apple Vending machine INSIDE a Macy's in the Staten Island Mall. But why anyone would buy from a vending machine, inside a store, inside a mall WITH actual electronics stores, however, is beyond me. Half the time my Diet Coke doesn't come out, I'll be danged if I take a chance on a $500 iPhone.
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I loved the "Coke Bot". It was cute. I should also mention the "Crow Food" was interesting. But, are crows really smart enough to learn how to operate a vending machine? Also, I think the "Cigarette Machines" was not worthy of the list, because you see them in airports, bars, gas stations, and elsewhere. For you see, they are very common.
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Here in Portland, OR there are "Gumball Poetry" machines, used candy vending machines (the kind that have plastic containers) where you get a random poem and a gumball.
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on kodiak island in alaska, there is one cigarette vending machine located in the cafeteria of a local fish processing plant [cannery, baby!] the trick was to go lateish at night, when very few souls were around.

this was extraordinarily frightening, given the fairly long journey through brightly-lit hallways to get to the cafeteria, and the ancient machine's inability to accept anything except quarters, and the loud crashing jangle the change machine next to the cig machine made.

ahh, memories. glad it didnt have age-verification. it even gave you free captain's keg-printed matchbooks if you pressed the button hard enough, even though the captain's keg closed twenty years earlier.
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Japan is truly home of the vending machine. They having the wackiest vending machines without doubt. Here in the UK, vending machines are very boring with coffee machines being the most popular:
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Cool post! Seems people are putting everything in vending machines these days! Marijuana, phone charges, I have even seen the toliet paper vending machines.....whats next?
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