You know them, you love them (at least some of them), but you might not know that Captain Crunch, The Comic Book Guy, Mr. Clean, the Michelin Man, and the patient in the game Operation all have given names. It's true! Mental_floss dug them up, along with lots of other fictional characters with full names, just so you'll know. Link
Comments (5)
I liked the book, the film was ok
but the stew was my favorite
"Bright eyes.... burning like fire..."
I can't bring myself to either watch the movie or read the book now I'm a so-called adult! I wish I could...
It's different from Watership Down, but it's also the work that Adams considers to be his best. I agree with assessment.
Really! After all of this time?
I'm going to the local used paperback store and find a copy for $3. Stick it you greedy publishers.