Chinese City: No Bald Tourists Allowed

A city in China banned the admission of bald visitors, citing that it's easier for bald people to disguise themselves:

The rule imposed by the southern Chinese city of Xiamen barred bald people from applying for one-year multiple-entry permits, the type usually used by frequent business travellers.

Chinese authorities imposed the ban over fears that "it was easier for bald people to disguise themselves", according to a report in the Taipei-based Liberty Times, which cited unnamed travel agents.

The city has since rescinded its ban and now allows the hairless to enter.

Link | Photo: ALAMY

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Looking at the bigger picture, it could mean keeping out Tibetan monks (which by tradition shave their head) who wish to spread their beliefs, which the communist fundamentalists feel threatened by.
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So a natuaral bald guy no needs to disguise himself with a wig so that its not easier for people to enter disguised. Something does not make sense,
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