Woman Calls 911 Asking for a Husband

(Video Link)

A woman was arrested for calling 911 five times over a three day period, asking for a husband:

The dispatcher was flabbergasted by the requests and asked Audrey Scott, of Alliance, Ohio "You need to get a husband?" The 57-year-old Scott responded, "Yes."

Told that she could face arrest for misusing the emergency call line, Scott responded, "Let's do it."

Scott was convicted last week of improper use of the emergency system and was sentenced to the three days in jail, which she had already served since her arrest, according to The Review newspaper.


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According to the link, she blamed alcohol for the calls. You can't get out of legal punishment due to being "addled" by alcohol. And if she keeps calling the line while drunk, she's using resources needed for actual emergencies. Throwing her in prison for a few days to 'sober up' seems like a good idea to me.
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