With 37 ingredients it might be easier to list what isn't in a Twinkie.
A popular rule of thumb among proponents of healthy food is that the fewer ingredients there are in something, better it is for you. With a remarkable 37 or so ingredients, many of which are polysyllabic chemical compounds, Twinkies would seem to embody the antithesis of that rule.
If it's a number or a chemical name, people automatically presume it's somehow bad for you. By the same token, if it's a herb or sounds 'natural', it must be good for you. So E260 is bad, while vinegar is good. Ethyl butanoate, ethyl hexanoate and 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone are bad, but strawberries are good. Never thinking they are for all purposes the same things (those chemicals being responsible for the smell of strawberries).
We should always be vigilant, of course, of the additives such as colourings and preservatives used in food. But using 'if it's a chemical name or a number, it's probably bad' as a guide is simply being too lazy to learn a bit of science.
The original Twinkies only had a shelf life of maybe a week. They had fresh ingredients and they used fresh strawberries or bananas for their fillings (depending on the season)
The ingredients were simple, like cake. Eggs, milk, sugar, flour...etc.
The ingredients used in todays Twinkies are for a longer shelf life of a few weeks. When they are listed, they have to be broken down due to requirements by the government.
"I don't know why so many people like them. They taste disgusting."
Bless you! I have never liked Twinkies. I will never understand how they manage to stay in business. But if you guys like them that's kool. Least now I don't feel like some kind of space alien.
Down here (TN) they have something called a Moon Pie. Has got to be the second most gawd awful thing made to be eaten. They even have three flavors I think. Talk about junk food! To make matters worse the best treat in the world here is a Moon Pie and RC Cola. The worst snack with the worst drink ever! Don't tell anyone I said that, am liable to get thumped bad.
(not saying I'm not mind you)