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This American Life, the well known show on NPR, had its television debut a couple years ago. This animation is from their second season and reveals an extreme example of how memories can shape themselves through something called the "misinformation effect."
In truth, memories are reconstructed each time we recall them which can lead to one telling a small lie in a memory and eventually believing that lie to be true further down the road.
http://youarenotsosmart.com/2010/06/03/misinformation-effect/ via Doobybrain
The very vivid, traumatic memories are usually the most fabricated over the years. Was a study done on people remembering their experience of 9/11, they wrote it down, and then were asked a few years later and told it very differently. Tis inteeeresting.
p.s. Talking about spotting a celebrity - I thought I saw Justin Bieber on chatroulette the other day! Now I am not so sure, and I may have misremembered it! He didn't seem keen chatting, musn't be his sort of person.