What could be more innocuous than a hose reel in the back of a pick up truck full of gardening equipments? Obviously it's a gardener going to work, right?
Would you have guessed that it's a cleverly disguised bin used to smuggle marijuana across the border?
The Los Angeles Times has a gallery of some of the most unusual border busts ever, including pictures of people stuffed into engine compartments ...
... secret hidey-hole under the car floor ...
... and then there's this beauty:
Yes, folks - that's a man sewn into the upholstery of a van seat!
More at the Los Angeles Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/wire/kswb-pg-border-busts,0,5426241.photogallery
(Photos: U.S. Customs and Border Protection)
Comments (16)
Your ancestors did not have to go through the same process as now, which seems to be some sort of cruel hazing ritual.