A couple of days ago, I asked for your help for NeatoFriend ideas. I was tickled pink that Neatoramanaut oezicomix created this super-hot NeatoFriend: Neatorella (with a ray gun suggested by Gauldar). Thanks Özi!
A couple of days ago, I asked for your help for NeatoFriend ideas. I was tickled pink that Neatoramanaut oezicomix created this super-hot NeatoFriend: Neatorella (with a ray gun suggested by Gauldar). Thanks Özi!
Comments (70)
(Humour is our natural depressant, yet not depressing)
"This debunks your theory alltogether. In the images you can see that there are A LOT of beautiful (and surely smart too) women in real life. So the cartoon is a mere depiction thereof."
Sometimes it is hard to tell on the net, but I think I can safely assume you're joking.
Yes, clearly those women provide a representative sample of the female population at large.
Sure censorship doesn't solve the problem, but neither does actively promoting this sort of image.
I think it's fairly rational to feel the way you do in your situation. It sounds to me like your boyfriend rather than you may need some psychological counseling. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a highly successful means of changing one's thought processes, or in your boyfriend's case, perhaps his expectations of the reality of what women really look like.
I don't want to pretend that I know enough about your situation to offer you advice, so think of it more as me making a suggestion, and you can heed it or ignore it.
P.S. I still think Neatorama could use some female characters, maybe just tone it down a little.