Law Requires Police To Check For Illegal Immigrants. Arizona? Nope: Mexico!

We don't post a lot of politics here on Neatorama, so pardon me for this post about the new and controversial Arizona law that forced local police to check whether a person is an illegal immigrant (presumably from Mexico).

Critics contend that the law will lead to racial profiling. Even Mexican President Felipe Calderón has blasted the law as violating basic human rights.

Whether you agree with the law or not, here's the point of this post: it turns out that despite its bluster, Mexico actually has very similar laws on its book against the country's own Honduran illegal immigrants!

Mexico's Foreign Ministry said the law "violates inalienable human rights" and Democrats in Congress applauded Mexican President Felipe Calderón's criticisms of the law in a speech he gave on Capitol Hill last week.

Yet Mexico's Arizona-style law requires local police to check IDs. And Mexican police freely engage in racial profiling and routinely harass Central American migrants, say immigration activists. [...]

"There (in the United States), they'll deport you," Hector Vázquez, an illegal immigrant from Honduras, said as he rested in a makeshift camp with other migrants under a highway bridge in Tultitlán. "In Mexico they'll probably let you go, but they'll beat you up and steal everything you've got first."

Chris Hawley of USA Today has the full story: Link (Photo: Sergio Solache/USA Today)

To become a citizen of Mexico you have to be fluent in Spanish and forsake your country of origin. Think of the chaos if the U.S. required you to be fluent in English.
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Every country is allowed to enforce it's immigration laws except the US, where it's considered fascist to do so. No surprise Mexico is completely hypocritical on this issue, their main source of income is the checks they get from illegals in the US.
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America is supposed to set the example for much of the world when it comes to personal freedoms and liberty.

Not emulate the bad policies of corrupt countries.
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First up, a big hat-tip to Alex for making this article available; it’s not clear who wrote it but somehow Alex got it to Neatorama for our reading pleasure. It would be cool to know the demographics (age gender) of those who’ve commented thus far. Halieus, believe it or not the U.S.A. federal law on immigration requires the new legal immigrant to be fluent in English as well as the US Constitution (primarily the Bill of Rights) and one is supposed to ‘disavow’ their allegiance to any other country. Actually, that is in the Naturalization recitation as well. However, in typical U.S. fashion none of this is monitored.

Hola, many kudos for your piece as well! For me you stated a very interesting insight regarding the U.S. not being able to enforce its own immigration laws. And for Electrolatina, what already, is America supposed to be this big passive and permissive nation and not enforce laws?
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Oh where to start...

As a U.S. natural citizen let me get this straight,:

A people who are as gentle as most illegals are and wish no attention get a bad rap from the gangs, the drug wars, tattoos, and prison exposes~ this is sad. But what's even sadder are the 2000 US citizens killed last year by the violent illegals---Google it---and that's not counting the assaults.rapes and theft...much less the drug trafficking....

The USA BATF (Bureau of Alc/Tobacco//Firearms also showed that less than 10% of the firearms used at the border origiginated from the U.S. Most imported from China and Ukranian/Russian/Romanian surplus of origin. Don't give me this crap that the U.S.A. is the deriviteve of gang weapons. It's EXTREMELY difficult to own a fully automatic weapon in the USA---and very expensive--legally but that's the point, right? Yhe bad guys don't OWN them legally.

There's a sentiment in the Latino community that they will take this country over again (Santa Anna dropped the ball...) and that we stole it. (Gringo typing) but again, it was 160 years ago...let it go...besides, the last time I checked, less than 8% of Mexicos roads were paved...yeah, that's progress.

And they want to tell us what to do. I'm living in an alternate reality anymore. What is up is down and what's down is up. And we keep on supporting it...Rome fell for a reason, Spain turned into a backwater and the British realized they got too top heavey as well...sigh...

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Fluency in English is not required, only the ability to read, write and speak enough English to take the exam. Because you're not fluent enough to understand the difference, you should turn yourself in at the nearest international border for immediate deportation to whatever country you really come from.
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To become a citizen of Mexico you have to be fluent in Spanish and forsake your country of origin. Think of the chaos if the U.S. required you to be fluent in English.
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Crossing a border illegally:

illegal in Mexico 1st offense= 2years in prison
second attempt= 10 years in prison

China= Shot on sight

N. Korea= Shot on sight

And the list could go on...Canada wants my passport for a 'F***ing country I was BORN in and for the sake of arguement I've been in the US for 30 years.
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Oh... forget it... you are right

While we whine about the new Arizona law we treat those who come into México from all of central america (not just Honduras) worst than Arizona treats mexicans.

Yes, we are as wrong (or even more wrong) as Arizona, but that doesn't mean that BOTH laws are wrong.
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I am a Mexican and I live in México, and both laws and BOTH countries are making a HUGE mistake, these kind of laws should not be tolerated in any country in the world. Not all illegal aliens are criminals, most are just trying to find a better life for their families. Just because Mexico has crappy laws that doesn't mean the US should enforce those laws also.
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I'm so tired of this conversation. Most ppl don't even get the point, but rather take the opportunity to race bait, hate, and point fingers.
The real reason the AZ law is wrong has nothing to do with illegal immigrants. It has to do with the fact that the law makes a blanked assumption of guilt. So all ppl end up being in danger of being treated as guilty illegals. Which means any lawful US citizen can be treated like a criminal. And that is against the constitution (read amendments), where we are all innocent until proven guilty.
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Well, Mink. You've got a point, but I don't think it's just that. Like the article said, I think this law will cause racial profiling. Police won't go after the blue eyed, blonde haired man in a business suit. Instead, they'll go after darker skinned people that don't look like they "belong". A similar racial profiling happened shortly after 9/11 when dark skinned people on airplanes were accused to be terrorists when they were usually just normal U.S. citizens, some of them not even from the Middle East.
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With all due respect, if what Mink is saying was true, then the law would crumble under the first challenge in open court.From what I understand, the arresting officer first must have a reason to stop an individual before they ask for citizenship. Driving while brown is not a valid reason and from what I understand if somebody does get stoped for the sole reason of driving while brown, then they could sue and should sue the stae of Arizona and all those involved.Armed with the full backing and resources of the ACLU, that individual would probably win the jack pot. If any thing, I imagine that a Arizona police officer would make sure that he/she had a whole lot of reasons and a bullet proff case before he/she initiated this law. This is only my humble opinion and should not be considered as a challenge to open debate. Thank you and have a nice day. By the way, Male, 46, American who happens to be brown. Thank you.
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So... The US is now basing its societal model on Mexico? Sad to hear the country went from aspiring to be the best democracy in the world, to being on even ground with Mexico.

"Give me your poor, your huddled masses, but in a light shade of pink, please, if you may."
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I don't really understand how this post is relevant to "Neatorama" is such a divisive issue that there is nothing "neat" about it at all.
I'm really disappointed by the decision to include this position on this super unhappy about it. It makes me think differently of the purpose of this site...sigh...
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Heavens, people. A country has to have borders in order to remain sovereign and protect its citizens.

The law in AZ is not WRONG. Go live there and deal with the downside of all the ILLEGALs there and see how you feel about it afterwards.

Mexico would never be as lax toward illegals as the USA is. And they are total hypocrits to condemn AZ's law or American federal law or scream ''racism''. After all, whose country is this?! It's America. Like it or not. It belongs to Americans. You here without proper documentation? Then, you are here ILLEGALLY.

When a policeman stops you for drunk driving, how is it racial profiling for him to then ask you for ID? Stop the lies. It isn't.

When you cross a border, the border police check you out, right? They check your car, they check your papers and they can dismantle your car if they feel like they have reason to. America has to maintain her right to do the same. And if you really think that Americans should be footing the bill for people who live here illegally, I'd like to know how you justify that.

Mexico needs to learn to take care of its OWN citizens. Of course they don't care much about their own citizens but shhhhh, don't say it to loud.
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A few things:
1. Immigration to the US is not a right.
2. The US allows over a million legal immigrants each year.
3. Our immigration limits are based on the country's capacity to provide services, employment, etc... to a finite number of people.
4. Should we tell all the legal immigrants from Europe, Africa, Canada, etc... that we can't take them now because our capacity has been exceeded (& their places taken) by illegal immigrants from Latin America?
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Profiling is perfectly appropriate. Who the hell do you think they need to look for in AZ? Laotians? Dutch? NO! Mexicans, that's who! WTF, do you think we're at a point where the willy-nilly borderjumping can be ignored to preserve some pc fantasy of a color-free, unified human race?! Mexicans should inform their countrymen that the game's over. Forget your La raza, forget your Reconquista, forget your western union moneygrams back home. That's over. You blew it with your drugs, your overbreeding, your undercutting wages, and your burden on health care. Deal with it. Your Mexico is a nice, sunny country, with many roads to be paved. Now go to it!
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The law of illegal inmigrants only responds to one situation: The mexican goverment is failing in creating new jobs, oportunities and better life conditions for all the people in Mexico.

As long as the people in the high places make rich people richer and poor people poorer, people will continue to cross to the USA.

And the other thing that was mentioned is true too, mexican militia treat like garbage people from Guatemala, El Salvador, etc. They are forced to sing the national anthem and after that they get a beating, and yet people complain at the arizona law? That demonstrates that people are fast to point fingers anywhere but don't look after their own mess.

One thing I don't agree with Eddyslick is the phrase "You blew it with your drugs". You should look around, the "white" people in your country consume A LOT of drugs, not just illegal you know?
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Totally agree, eddyslick! And why stop at foreigners? We should take a hard look at freeloading "Americans" too. A good start would be states that get more federal revenue than they contribute. States like Arizona, with all its beautiful paved roads. What a bunch of moochers. Maybe Arizona could sell it's paved roads to Mexico and start pulling its own weight.
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Wow, thanks Neatorama for bringing out all the racists. "Overbreeding" "Learn the language"? That's what was said about many of your German and Irish forefathers when they came to this country in droves - don't forget.

The point is, why should I be profiled as a Mestiza, a person who looks Mexican but whose ancestors have lived in New Mexico and Arizona before Yankees even knew this part of the country existed? My grandfather was deported in the 1920s for looking Mexican even though his family had been in New Mexico since the 1600s, tell me how these laws are fair?

The law is not about immigration but about singling out people based on someone's subjective perception of their lawful status, all based on their coloring or race. It's wrong that Arizona has decided to do this and it's wrong if Mexico or any other country, like Nazi Germany does it either.
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Arizona is within its rights to enforce immigration laws, and the state does need to contain border-related crime. My only concerns with the situation are as follows:

1) What constitutes probable cause for an officer to question someone's immigration status? Or will they just ask everyone they detain in the course of their duties?

2) If proof of citizenship must be shown to an officer upon request, then must all citizens now carry such proof?
Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) ancestors owned lots of land in the south of France in the I demanding that land back? not hardly. you had your chance, now stand down or be prepared to meet the landowners bullets! bring on your reconquistas, your La Raza, etc. etc.

gringo no like the hispanico with attitude.
we ARE prepared to defend what is ours.
we WELCOME you if you desire to be American, but when you whine that "we took it from you" that invalidates your argument.

ps.....Americans have an equivalent to La Raza, it is called the KKK. just putting it in perspective.
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GW illalien.....can it, buster. the Huegenots were driven from France. no one has driven the mexis here, except their own government and their inadequecies to provide for themselves. I had no control over my ancestry, just my future. i also have control over my handgun, my rifle, my shotgun AND my property.
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Haha, beware of cooterbiker, Mexicans! He knows something about chasing people out of a country--too bad for him its from the chasee's viewpoint. And he's got three guns and talks tough on the internet! Watch out!
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Who's talking about reconquest? Geesh! As I said, my family has been living in Southern New Mexico, Southern Arizona and Northern Mexico for the past 400 years. So, smarty-pants we never left, we didn't cross the border, the border crossed us. We were conquered by you guys and all your guns and diseases. So now we are all part of the United States. I'm fine with that but don't tell me I have to prove that I'm in the right country when my family was here probably at least three hundred years before yours.

Also, I suggest you learn proper English, that beautiful common language we all speak, before you boast of your cultural superiority. Funny that all your "bluster" is backed by talk of your guns and propensity for violence. Such typical double-standards and hypocrisy. Tsk...
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