Hello Neatoramanauts! We need your help. Adam "Ape Lad" Koford and I are putting together a new cast of NeatoFriends and we need some ideas.
We've got the Neatoramanaut, the Neatoramabot, NeatoTurtle, and the Neatokraken ... who or what else are we missing? What would you like to see? NeatoViking? NeatoPirate? NeatoBear?
Let's hear your ideas! (if yours get picked and we make a T-shirt out of it, you'll get a freebie)
Howazabout: Neatoyeti?
or Neatoduck.
Uh, would you consider NeatoMatryoshkas? (weird, I know. I can't get the measuring cups out of my head. :P )
Or NeatoBurrito???
Neatocaun (unicorn)
Neatmiba (ameba)
I like neatosaur.
Hopefully some of these characters will be of the female persuasion? PLEASE!
And if you chose one of mine, I like purple... just a hint there. :)
Love your site it is always full of interesting things.
With bandoliers, pistols, sword and Zorro mask
@Rachel Ann - I'm hoping we'll end up with female characters too.
NeatoNrownie (a brownie is a helpful boy fairy!!)
NeatoClops (cyclops)
NeatoBorg (would probably break copyright but I like it!)
Coke bottle glasses, pocket protector, cap wearing superZero, defender of the socially inept!
Neatotorpedo (could be used when delivering some explosive/shocking news)
Neatostiltskin (say his name three times and he won't disappear)
NeatObama (political stuff)
NeatOsama (Every character list needs a villain, but i don't know how I feel about placing neat in front of his name. Perhaps BeatOsama. It would work when rhyming, if one were inclined place the characters in verse)
What about the elephants on the turtle, they should be named.
Neaton (The dapper young lad ready to set out in the world, and would do so if not for the fact that the world was on his back.)
Neatelli ( Sweet younger sister of Neaton...And steve)
Neatillda ( She is the matriarch, and mother to all the other elephants)
And steve ( he will forever be know as "And steve" most find his personality lacking. He is always the last thought, and there is no uppercase in "steve" only the "And")
The NeatoTurtle doesn't know how the elephants made it onto her back, and thus always carries a startled surprised look when she ventures a peek.
by the by , what is the name of this little gremlin looking guy in the comment section?
One more...
Neatomama or Neat-Oh-Mama (Mrs Robinson-like and highly intelligent)
neatorama + narwhal = NeatoNarwhal
Can you just imagine the imagery awesomeness that could come from this? NeatoNarwhal could be of the female persuasion, yes? The narwhal is a unique creature that could represent your unique content well.
neatofarmer - sowing the seeds of awesomeness
neatollama - llamas know best
If you want me to draw them, I will
I came up with Neatosaur, Neatozombie and Neatoninja before I got to the comments, so I'll definitely have to second those.
I'll add Neatocowboy!
I like oezicomix's Neatorella idea, armed with one of these!
I think a neatozombie would be cool on a quest for brains to absorb the neat information and post it on neatorama.
NeatoNarwhal is just cute.
Neatolama was taken before a posted sorry about kramjam.
If only I could draw.
And in favor of my previous post she could double as a Neatomama
Don't have a clue how it would work graphically, but I'd love to see how it comes out on paper :-)
All of these characters mentioned on the thread can live in Neatovillage and they'll have fun and wacky adventures togethers that come with message at the end. They'll try to escape Ho Hum (the humdrum monotonous monster).
A. Kitties are amazing
B. Kitties and the internet are like scrumptious peanut butter and delicious jelly.
C. Neatokittie, just the word itself is neato.
I'm with lvn, Neatos. Almost sounds atomic.
NeatoNiro(robert deniro)
NeatoPequeno(pequeno=small in Spanish)
NeatoTito(Tito Jackson)
NeatoMeato(a steak or something)
That's all I got.
Neato libido wearing a speedo.
Neato Eagle
Neato Pigeon
Neato Squid, "Squidito"
Your pirate up there is rather good, though it looks like Jimmy Durante, and the collar is far too tidy.
OK, I'll stop. :-)