Archive for June 2nd, 2010

Awesome Space Shuttle Time Lapse

This might very well be the coolest time-lapse video I've ever seen. Move over Koyaanisqatsi - you've got company from NASA! Link via YouTube (thanks PhamPants for the tip!)Video, nasa, space shuttle...

Dutch World Cup Shirts

It's been done before, but the effect is still funny! These shirts were designed for the Dutch Football Federation for the 2010 World Cup tournament beginning next week in South Africa. Do I see a woman wearing one of...

Survival Tip: Disrupt the Power Grid

Imagine you are stranded in the woods with no way to call for help. An unnamed man in Saskatchewan found himself in just such a position, but he figured out a plan that worked. He cut down some power line poles! Several...

Glowing Tron Themed Nintendo

[youtube=] [YouTube - Link] YouTube user Thretris modified an original NES with a custom Tron paintjob, and stuffed in some new hardware. Skip to minute 2 to avoid the technica...

Robotic Fish Take Over Schools, Lead them to Safety

Maurizio Porfiri, a professor at NYU Polytechnic University, is designing robotic fish that he hopes will be able to infiltrate schools of fish and lead them away from dangers, such as water turbines. He thinks that...

New Bicycle Helmet Stinks After an Impact

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials in Germany have developed a bicycle helmet that emits a foul stench after an impact. This would inform users that the shock absorbing material insid...

Cat Plays in Bathtub Filled with Beanbag Chair Stuffing

(YouTube Link) A cat belonging to YouTube user soccerduck1189 peed on a beanbag chair. So before he threw it out, he dumped its contents into a bathtub and let the cat play in it. He notes that, despite appearance...

LEGO Printer

(YouTube Link) YouTube user horseattack made a functional printer from LEGOs and a felt tip marker. It prints 75 dots per square inch in the Helvetica font. He programed the entire system from scratch and plans to...

Engaged Couple Born Same Day in the Same Hospital

An engaged couple in Pennsylvania has been together from the very beginning of their lives: An engaged eastern Pennsylvania couple were born on the same day in the same hospital - and their mothers even shared a r...

Logan's Run Remake in 3D

Logan's Run, the fantastic science fiction film that debuted in 1976, is getting a reboot in 3D. If you've seen the film The Island, you've basically seen Logan's Run with a slightly different twist and in a much ton...

Lego Remodeling

Jan Vormann is an artist whose interesting use of LEGO pieces has left the art exhibit and entered the real world. He patches up old buildings with the toy building blocks in a way that's quite visually appealing. T...

New and Improved Mondo Spider

[youtube=] [YouTube - Link] The Mondo Spider, a badass mechanical arachnid originally devised by a couple guys in their garage in preparation for Burningman, has gotten a full...

Mayflies Seen on Radar

This radar image was obtained by the National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office in La Crosse. The area depicted is where the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa meet. A mayfly hatch along the Mississippi...

Zero Energy Office Tower

Oregon is living up to its reputation as one of the greenest states in the US, this time with an office tower designed to be the first Living Building Challenge - certified in the world. The Oregon Sustainability Cen...

Is This a Real Golf Ball Hitting a Steel Plate?

[youtube=] YouTube link. This video purports to show a golf ball striking a steel plate at 150 mph, with the action filmed at 70,000 frames per second.  At several YouTube pos...

Neatorama Upcoming Queue Contest Winners

Last month, we had a contest for Neatorama's Upcoming Queue: the top submitter for May 2010 wins an Apple iPad and the next three win $50 shopping sprees from the NeatShop.We've had lots of great submissions, and Neatora...

Baby Klingon

At NeatoBambino, we find out there are children's songs and lullabies in the Klingon language. Sing them to your child, and he or she may end up like the baby in the included video!

The Dogs of Summer

(zapp link) A group of Hungarian dogs have a great time at the beach. -via Everlasting Blortdogs, beach...

The Great Television Nickname Match-Up, Vol. 1

In many TV shows, you know someone by their nickname, and you only know their given name if you pay close attention. In this Lunchtime Quiz from mental_floss, you'll have to match up characters' nicknames with the ch...

The Coke Zero and Mentos Rocket Car

(YouTube link) You knew it was coming sooner or later. The geniuses from Eepybird, who made an art form out of the Mentos/Diet Coke phenomenon, have harnessed their creation to propel a vehicle.

Booty-shaking Frogs

Male red-eyed tree frogs communicate with each other by shaking their butts. This behavior was captured on infrared camera in the rain forest of Panama by Michael Caldwell of Boston University and his colleagues. Th...

How to Get Comments

Chuck and Beans discover what we've known here at Neatorama for a long time. This comic was created by by Brian at Shoebox Blog. Link -via Geeks Are Sexyblogs, grammar, typos, comments, grammar Nazis...

Housing Mortgage Meltdown: In Foreclosure and Loving It

Psst! Want to live in your house without paying a dime in mortgage? Thanks to the US housing crisis, now you can - at least for a year or two. More and more struggling homeowners are doing their own mortgage modific...

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