Inline Skater Jumps off Eiffel Tower for New World Record

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Daredevil Taig Khris jumped off the Eiffel Tower and skated down a steep ramp, setting a new freefall record. He slipped on his first attempt, but tried again and succeeded:

Thousands of tourists and locals gathered at the French landmark over the weekend to witness the extreme rollerblader set the new world freefall record of 12.5 metres (41 feet).

The Frenchman threw himself from the bottom section of the tower dropping 10m before landing on a 30m-high ramp.

"I've never had such a strong adrenaline rush," he told news agency AFP after the jump, in which he beat the 8.53-metre record set by American Danny Way.



Due to lack of a sufficient scale on which to measure this amount of lame I am unable to inform you at this time. How ever the government has released funds into the scientific community with hopes of funding research into this area. They project to have a scale on which to measure this much lameness some time in the next 20 years. after which time we should have our answer in approximately 5 years after that.
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World record for going down a very large wooden slide in the same country as the eifel tower, while it just so happens you're still wearing your rollerblades. He should do it again with a bear suit on, that way he'd break two sliding records.
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