Leave Me

(vimeo link)

An award-winning story of a man and a digital camera. You might want to get a hanky ready. -via Flotsam

I knew where it was going as soon as he vanished. Still a neat story.

How is his father going to explain his appearance? What will happen to them inside? Are they stuck at that scene, or is it like another world? If stuck - will they just die of starvation or do they cease to exist (both) when the camera goes off? If it's just a replay of the real world, will she die again?

All things considered, this really seems like it will end up badly for the guy. Then again, I'm probably overthinking it. :P
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I am glad I am not the only one who thought more about this...and I thought about what if I could choose a moment in time and go back to it? And the answer would be no.
I wouldn't have today if I lived in that moment. It was before my dog passed away. And something just tells me that I would know in my heart the second time around wasn't "real" and it would have to end...
and the growth that's happened since his death has been phenomenal...
So, no. And who would be affected if I just ceased to be? What about my daughter (like that guy's dad?)
Do I want to go back sometimes? Yes. But I would never, ever want to stay....
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