Chances are you don’t love your job.But at least we have modern conveniences and machinery to do some of hte dirty work that was once done by human power. Here are some jobs from bygone times that you don't want to try. For example, a Gymnasiarch dealt with Greek athletes.
Back in ancient times the way to clean up was by pouring oil on your body and scraping yourself clean. At the end of it all, you ended up with a gross mess of dirt, dead skin and oily mush. Sounds awesome doesn’t it? Well if you were a Gymnasiarch it was your job to deal with that.
Interesting enough, because athletes were in such high regard even this position was seen as very important and reserved for nobility. However, you did get the great bonus of carrying around a large stick and hitting young athletes over the head when they didn’t perform well enough.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by milos87.