The Creators Project

All of us on Neatorama love indie artists, so it's my pleasure to feature The Creators Project, a collaboration between Intel and VICE which features the cutting edge in print, music, and digital art by artists from around the world:

The Creators Project has two mandates: on one hand it’s a modern day media channel that we will continually identify and celebrate the work of visionary artists wherever they are. On the other hand it is also a content creation studio, an arts foundation of sorts that will facilitate the production and dissemination of new work with these artists and their collaborators.

I particularly like this feature of Muti Randolph, a Brazilian artist who specialized in multimedia and set design:

Check out the entire project, which include features of the Philadelphia-based DJ Diplo, Korean art futurist Hojun Song, French filmmaker Ladj Ly, Chinese animator Ray Lei and many more: Link - Thanks Jason!

See also: Neatorama Art Blog

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Did you check out the NY Creators party, it looked insane!

The Creators Project is coming to London and there's a HUGE party. The tickets are FREE and all you need to do is register, i did so here:

I hope i get tickets because the line-up is insane!
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