How do you make the Twitter sensation (and now published book) Shit My Dad Says any better? Just add William Shatner and a sitcom on CBS coming next season.
From Betty Confidential:
In the show, whose title hasn’t been made public yet, Shatner will star as the father of a young guy who amasses more than a million followers on Twitter by tweeting Shatner’s musings, according to Yahoo! News.
The storyline is based on a real-life twitter account (@shitmydadsays) that’s built 1.3 million followers. The account is run by Justin Halpern, 29, who simply writes the sayings of his 74-year-old father. “He is awesome,” Justin says. Most of the tweets have a few X-rated words in them.
Will it work in a family-friendly sitcom format? (The show's tentative title is "Bleep My Dad Says," so you'll get the drift that CBS will tone down the language) Brian Stelter of the NY Times writes:
If someone had asked him, a year ago, to name his dream job, he said, “basically, I would have said, writing on a TV show that I created.” In an interview Monday night, just hours after he learned the show had been picked up by the network, Mr. Halpern could only say, “This is crazy.”
But it hasn’t gone to his dad’s head. Mr. Halpern said he received an e-mail message from his father on Monday afternoon, thinking it would be about the series pickup, but instead it was about an overdue Sprint bill. Maybe there is inspiration for an episode there. (Dr. Halpern has declined all interview requests.)
I wonder what Justin's dad has to say about all this: Link (Photo: Ron P. Jaffe/CBS)
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