Jessica's Daily Affirmation

(YouTube link)

Nothing is going to stop this young lady! In the comments at YouTube, her parents say that this was really just a one-time affirmation, but that Jessica, now 12, is a straight A student and an athlete. -via Holy Kaw!

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C'mon that was cute. She was being watched. I thought she had a positive attitude, which is awesome. Seems like a happy kid. And that was no more dangerous than playing on the monkey bars at the playground. Do we want all kids to sit around on the couch becoming fat little blobs because everything is just too dangerous? No wonder there is a childhood obesity problem in this country. No bike riding, no tree climbing, no monkey bars, no's all too dangerous. Better just play video games.
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The little girl did not fall. She did not hit her head and die. What's done is done, quit being such pessimists and enjoy life; they aren't forcing you to let your children stand on counters. Let them raise their kids how they want. This movie was put up to share something positive not for them to get advice on how to be a parent. Judging by the intellect of their four year old I'd say they were doing a damn good job.
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