I use a permanent silk filter for my coffee maker, but I still have open packages of filters. Now I can put those filters to work doing other things! Here are a few of the list of 25:
Link -via Cynical-C
7. Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter.
8. Weigh chopped foods. Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale.
9. Hold tacos. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods.
10. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot. Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent the soil from going through the drainage holes.
Link -via Cynical-C
Making flavoured vodkas then filtering out the gunk
The other ideas just seem kind of silly and wasteful. A paper towel would suffice just fine in nearly all of them and be so much cheaper.
I have yet to see anybody else using them for snackin'.