Sing Along Tongs

Sing Along Tongs - $11.95

Just landed at the NeatoShop: Sing Along Tongs, a pair of salad tongs with tips shaped like a microphone. Now you can toss your salad while singing a ballad: Link

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People are obsessed with landfills and will use anything to bring attention to them - we get it - get over it and channel that whine into something valid. Who buys salad tongs to throw away? I still have salad tongs that I bought when I was at university.

While these salad tongs are sort of pointless and a little tacky (I sing into my hair brush), going off on them like people have been doing here really only suggests that some people spend far too much time online and need to get angry about things that actually matter.
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What? Someone made Things I Don't Approve (TM) thereby employing people who made, ship, and sell them? Ads and promos on a free blog to help pay for server costs and authors?
There's only one logical reaction: RRRRAAAAGGEEEE!!!!!1!!ONE!
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