Stephen Hawking Says Time Travel May Be Possible

In The Daily Mail, Stephen Hawking writes that time travel may be possible. Since time and space are "wrinkled", people might use these wrinkles as shortcuts in time:

Nothing is flat or solid. If you look closely enough at anything you'll find holes and wrinkles in it. It's a basic physical principle, and it even applies to time. Even something as smooth as a pool ball has tiny crevices, wrinkles and voids. Now it's easy to show that this is true in the first three dimensions. But trust me, it's also true of the fourth dimension. There are tiny crevices, wrinkles and voids in time. Down at the smallest of scales, smaller even than molecules, smaller than atoms, we get to a place called the quantum foam. This is where wormholes exist. Tiny tunnels or shortcuts through space and time constantly form, disappear, and reform within this quantum world. And they actually link two separate places and two different times. [...]

Given enough power and advanced technology, perhaps a giant wormhole could even be constructed in space. I'm not saying it can be done, but if it could be, it would be a truly remarkable device. One end could be here near Earth, and the other far, far away, near some distant planet.

Theoretically, a time tunnel or wormhole could do even more than take us to other planets. If both ends were in the same place, and separated by time instead of distance, a ship could fly in and come out still near Earth, but in the distant past. Maybe dinosaurs would witness the ship coming in for a landing.

Link via Geekologie | Image: NASA

Comments (35)

Time is just an arbitrary measurement we came up with to measure the passage of one moment to the next. The past no longer exists; you cannot travel back to it.
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I wonder if this relies on many-worlds theory, string theory, and the idea of universe sized branes and whatnot. That's the only way I can understand it, and the only way that makes sense with what Christophe said.
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"Both ends in the same place" must be really dumbed-down for a popular audience. It's called spacetime. To go from the Earth today to the time of the dinosaurs, you'd have to travel not only back in time, but to the location in space where the Earth was millions of years ago. That's a long way away and difficult to calculate given the expansion of the universe, the direction and rotation of the galaxy and the motion of the solar system.
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It's possible that there is a certain flashpoint that we need to reach before we can welcome future time travelers (e.g. certain technological developments need to be created before).

Also, everything happens at once, time is just how we perceive it.
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@Christophe; Even if his theory is correct, it doesn't leave any physical means of transporting a living creature through the sub-space wormholes of a dimension we know virtually nothing about, not to mention having them come out the other side in the intended location or in a form more coherent than simple particles.

The theory could be correct. That doesn't mean the execution is physically possible.
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Lately, Hawking seems to be losing a grasp on scientific objectivity. But at least his insane mutterings are getting him press exposure. And being divorced now lo these past four years, maybe he is hoping that this exposure will get him laid. Any volunteers?
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The additional dimensions which are required to make the math work out (11 dimensions total) are so small as to go unnoticed by us. However, expand one or more of those extra dimensions until it contains the three we know. Then make the move, then collapse what was expanded back to normal. Voila!

Actually, I agree with Christophe. Why haven't people from the future traveled back to visit us? Are we so boring we are not even a tourist destination? Wouldn't somebody have gone back and killed Hitler? The only logical conclusion, unfortunately, is that we do not exist in the future. Or more specifically, we do not exist long enough to perfect time travel.
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I like Christophe's statement about why we haven't seen any time tourists. I heard somewhere that perhaps time travel devices are like a telephone. You need two phones to make a call. The future has their phone, but we haven't invented ours yet. Two would be required to make a conduit, make a call, or send us a really intersting fax.
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It reminds me of the joke when I went back in time and changed Einsteins relitivity papers in his home,now everyone ACTUALLY BELIEVES his IDEAS are right!
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Well...there is the Branching Timeline Theory. People from the future are traveling back in time (like Vic), but when they arrive time branches. In our timeline we never know they are there. So somebody did kill Hitler, but by so doing they created another timeline.

@Pony...we didn't need a telephone-like apparatus on the moon to travel from the Earth to the moon. Because we can move about in these three dimensions we know so well. Therefore, expanding these other dimensions should give us additional capabilities to move about without the need for a telephone booth on either end of the journey.

In conclusion, regardless of which timeline we travel, I don't believe there will ever be a dead, male Northern Quoll without a smile on its face.
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Once again, I was hooked into reading something via internet browsing syndrome and I will never get these 10 minutes back again. Oh yeah, unless I time travel. *sigh*
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The reason no time travelers have come our way is that time travel initiates a new timeline ... until there is no difference between the states of the launch and target timelines. Any terrestrial time travelers would find themselves in a solar system in which the Earth is an uninhabited icy rock world between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Draw your own conclusions.
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Time and space are so intertwined that I don't think even wormholes would help. If I were to magically go back 6 months in time from right now, I'd be plopped down in the middle of space since Earth was 180 degrees away and on the other side of the sun then! I don't think we can physically go back in time without being able to move Earth, as well

Okay, so I'm not a scientist, but my logic makes sense
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would someone actually read the article before even commenting?

he stated that time travel to the past is not possible due to "feedback" that closes the wormholes.

Time travel to the future is possible, but if u read the article, you know that type of time travel is not the hollywood-type. It merely means time for the "travellers on a high speed vessel" is slower than the rest, hence they aged slower.

read before u comment, pple!
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Ok did it ever occure to any of you skeptics that maybe we have been visited by time travelers and the reason we don't know about it is because they don't want to change the course of history. Any kind of interaction with someone from the future or the past could alter and drastically change the course of our lives. I know these are movies but here is the perfect example back to the future Marty Mcfly almost comprised his own existance by interacting with his parents and denying their first meeting. do you realize how catastrophic it would be if we actually had contact with someone from the future. Back in the 50's people thought that going to the moon was preposterous and that happened. before the first airplane people would make fun of the Wright brothers and now because of them we can fly anywhere. Before the lightbulb was invented everyone thought that Edison was insane. When are you skeptics going to learn nothing is as impossable as it may seem. Stop being so afraid of the future and start to embrace it. Don't be afraid of the unknown. God gave us a curious nature lets use it. This is time travel not cloning this is just one more "small step for man and one giant leap for mankind" Neil Armstrong when he first walked on the moon.
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He meant it is possible THEORETICALLY. Thus 'We haven't welcomed future travelers' is not a valid proof that it is impossible.
We may not be able to make the time tunnel, but it could be possible.
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Even if such a tunnel is practically made somewhere in the near future, say, on 2050 the scientists won't come back to 2010 or even 1900; they wold probably go see the dinosaurs or centuries even backwards.
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