Color Name Survey

Randall Munroe of xkcd conducted an online color survey, the results from 222,500 user sessions are ready. The aim of the survey was to find what names people associate with colors. As you can see, no one knows how to spell fuchsia. I had to stop and roll in the floor at the "disproportionally popular" color names by gender section. Link -via reddit

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When the survey was first posted I spent about a half hour taking it. So that should give you a hint of the quality of people taking this thing.

Anyway I realized I have the ability to differentiate colours, but not name them.

I only have about 15 colour names in my head and I use the suffix 'ish' and often compare mixes a lot.
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Poor Leonhard Fuchs! Everyone always misspells the plant genus named after him. Just remember:
It's Fuchsia for Fuchs!

He was a 16th c. German botanist and physician "whose botanical work Historia Stirpium (1542) is a landmark in the development of natural history because of its organized presentation, the accuracy of its drawings and descriptions of plants, and its glossary."
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