Professor Xavier's mansion, known as the X-Mansion, is the base of operations for the X-Men and a school for mutant teenagers, Xavier Institute for Higher Learner, formerly called Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Not only is Professor Xavier the best headmaster you could imagine but the skills and mission preparations learned while attending are second-to-none; after all, the X-Men's younger future replacements must be ready to save the world when their time comes. You could attend and become a future world-saving expert trained by Professor Xavier, too.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by nuiloa.
Got a list for fictional characters who attended real boarding schools? For example, Bond James Bond attended the Eton. Any examples for schools other than Eton? (As an exercise, students may list other fictional characters who attended the Eton.)
I guess I would go to Hailsham's.