Something happened to make the baby cry, and the cat assumes the adult is at fault. This cat is a serious baby defender! Warning: heavy metal ahead. -via Unique Daily
While I though it was funny that the cat came to check out the noise and crying baby, it is not cool that the cat started to attack the adult. I love my kitties (I have three) but that cat may need to find a new home.
While the mother or nanny was busy being attacked by the cat, the little man could have easily trodden over the broken glass that she hadn't gotten to clean up yet. Good job, safety cat.
I love my cat, he's spoiled rotten. But if he ever tried attacking me like that, trying to inflict serious damage, he would've been kicked across the room and then chased down and smacked on the ass a few more times.
Cat bites are not only painful, but very likely to become seriously infected due to the puncture nature and mouth bacteria they harbor. So they can cause a lot more harm than dog bites from a similarly-sized animal. Sad to see people laughing at a dangerous situation.
peanutie said, "Sad to see people laughing at a dangerous situation."
Christ, your life must be one joyless ball of blah. Comics are considered genius because of their ability to take tragedy and serious situations and find humor in them. This isn't even tragic or serious.
I would never advocate dangerous stunts to produce a viral video. You have to remember that in 99% of videos like this, IF someone had been hurt, the video would never have been made available for public viewing.
Talk about ultimate Nanny cam's, not cool IMO. Funny all the same. @peanutie are you serious? I've had cats since I was born and have annoyed them enough to get scratched and bit hundreds of times. It hurts but not that bad, and I've never had an infection or known anyone who has. They can't get passed the first few layers of skin. anyways, I hope that girl knew she was being videoed.
The intensity of cat bites vary from cat to cat. A declawed cat shows no mercy when it bites you. A cat missing teeth makes a valiant effort but they are essentially gumming you.
Just cause there was a kid there, we automatically assume the cat was trying to "protect" the kid? WOW anthropomorphize much? That cat VERY likely couldn't care less about that kid. I know I don't, and I'm not even a cat.
Looks to me like that cat walked in broken glass, felt pain, and then went after the first person, because it was confused about where the pain was coming from.
Trust me, cat bites can definitely get infected; I was bitten, skin-punctured bitten, on two separate occasions as a kid and had to have tenuous shots both times.
Oh cats can def get past the first few layers of skin. My own cat... I've stepped on his tail twice by accident. And both times he bit and clawed the ever living crap out of my leg. I mean just F-ed me up big time. He def got past the first few layers :\
"Trust me, cat bites can definitely get infected..."
Oh yeah. A cat I was trying to rescue got frightened, clawed up my face and chomped my finger so hard I bled like crazy. Two days later (despite some heavy-duty peroxide and Neosporin treatment) I was at the doc with such a swollen and infected finger I had to have IV antibiotics (7 days in a row) rabies shots, tetanus shots, a splint AND they insisted on x-rays to make sure my finger wasn't broken even though I told them it was a CAT bite!
I still have small scars on my chin and finger 8 years later. It would have been a lot worse if it hadn't been winter in Michigan when it happened, it was cold and I had on a heavy coat that protected my arms and chest.
I get scratched and nipped by my cat all the time when I'm playing with him and he gets worked up. Not the end of the world. I didn't think the video was funny, just annoying. All I could think was that if she wasn't such a pansy she would have just grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck and taken him down, and thrown him in the other room, closed the door, problem solved.
I would suggest that, if you are truly SO concerned about your child care provider, then one of you parents needs to stay home and actually raise the child yourself.
@Miss Cellania, never been to LiveLeak, then? An elderly woman I know of spent two weeks in hospital and almost died because of a cat scratch. They're pretty nasty. He's a dog that got scratched:
Any of these theories could be correct. Yes, the cat could be protecting the child, though if that were the case it would likely put itself between the adult and child - which it does not always do. More likely is that it did step on some glass and react accordingly. The point as also been made that this might not be the first time the cat's done it, though, I think that given the reaction of the mother/nanny, it likely was (to this person, at least).
Furthermore, to all of those who say you love your cats but would punish them for behavior like this - that's despicable. Chasing a cat down and beating it for doing this is not right. A cat is a domesticated creature that ultimately has little power over a human who can easily throw a towel over it, pick it up, and put it in a crate or another room. Yes, cats can bite and scratch, but usually do so because they are frightened. You as the human being can easily accidentally kill an animal in your anger, whereas the most they can do to you are some unpleasant bites or scratches. You should be ashamed for even saying such things.
I love cats, don't get me wrong, but I don't tolerate cats like that!
But if he ever tried attacking me like that, trying to inflict serious damage, he would've been kicked across the room and then chased down and smacked on the ass a few more times.
Christ, your life must be one joyless ball of blah. Comics are considered genius because of their ability to take tragedy and serious situations and find humor in them. This isn't even tragic or serious.
@peanutie are you serious? I've had cats since I was born and have annoyed them enough to get scratched and bit hundreds of times. It hurts but not that bad, and I've never had an infection or known anyone who has. They can't get passed the first few layers of skin.
anyways, I hope that girl knew she was being videoed.
A cat missing teeth makes a valiant effort but they are essentially gumming you.
WOW anthropomorphize much?
That cat VERY likely couldn't care less about that kid.
I know I don't, and I'm not even a cat.
Trust me, cat bites can definitely get infected; I was bitten, skin-punctured bitten, on two separate occasions as a kid and had to have tenuous shots both times.
"You have to remember that in 99% of videos like this, IF someone had been hurt, the video would never have been made available for public viewing."
Welcome to the Internet!
Oh yeah. A cat I was trying to rescue got frightened, clawed up my face and chomped my finger so hard I bled like crazy. Two days later (despite some heavy-duty peroxide and Neosporin treatment) I was at the doc with such a swollen and infected finger I had to have IV antibiotics (7 days in a row) rabies shots, tetanus shots, a splint AND they insisted on x-rays to make sure my finger wasn't broken even though I told them it was a CAT bite!
I still have small scars on my chin and finger 8 years later. It would have been a lot worse if it hadn't been winter in Michigan when it happened, it was cold and I had on a heavy coat that protected my arms and chest.
I would suggest that, if you are truly SO concerned about your child care provider, then one of you parents needs to stay home and actually raise the child yourself.
An elderly woman I know of spent two weeks in hospital and almost died because of a cat scratch. They're pretty nasty. He's a dog that got scratched:
Furthermore, to all of those who say you love your cats but would punish them for behavior like this - that's despicable. Chasing a cat down and beating it for doing this is not right. A cat is a domesticated creature that ultimately has little power over a human who can easily throw a towel over it, pick it up, and put it in a crate or another room. Yes, cats can bite and scratch, but usually do so because they are frightened. You as the human being can easily accidentally kill an animal in your anger, whereas the most they can do to you are some unpleasant bites or scratches. You should be ashamed for even saying such things.
Thank you for being a noble and intelligent human being.