Hello Neatoramanauts! Notice anything different?
In addition to the new look, we've also launched a couple of new sub-blogs on Neatorama. The first, NeatoBambino, is a blog about babies, kids and the wonderful world of parenting, written by my lovely wife Tiffany.
The second, Neatorama's Art Blog, is a wide-format blog similar to our first sub-blog Spotlight. The Art Blog is dedicated to letting indie artists introduce themselves and their artwork in their own words. As we add more artists, we'll be rotating these posts through the main blog.
If you know an artist (or if you are one) who would like to be featured (it's absolutely free) on Neatorama's Art Blog, please let me know!
These sub-blogs are based on John Sessford's awesome WP-Hive WordPress plugin. As I've mentioned before in this blog post, all of us at Neatoramaland are excited to be able to create focused sub-blogs under the Neatorama umbrella. This way we can expand Neatorama to cover more topics without changing the eclecticand fun nature of the main blog.
Take a look around and let me know what you think ;)
Or maybe I'm just going insane and have been following this blog for WAY too long, and can't judge time on it anymore.
Some blogs make changes and they are complete fails and even though I liked those blogs I find myself not visiting them that often. Not so with Neatorama, which in my humble opinion is the best blog of all blogs and one I visit 2..3...4...even 5 times a day.
Type on monkeys, type on.
Boy, I've got a surprise for you soon ;)
Self-taught and found totally by accident in Rio when an amateur collector got a flat tire and walked into the artist's workshop. Which was an abandoned shop in a shanty town.