Archive for April 30th, 2010

Hitler Died On This Couch

Sixty five years ago, on April 30, 1945, Hitler and his wife Eva Braun ended their lives in an underground bunker after Berlin fell. Shortly afterwards, LIFE photographer William Vandivert was on scene to photograph the...

Cold Blooded Vampire Fangs Ice Tray

Cold Blooded Vampire Fangs Ice Tray - $7.95Need to add a bite to your beverage? Take a look at the Cold Blooded Vampire Fangs Ice Tray from the NeatoShop. Perfect for Bloody Mary and other spine-tingling drinks for the v...

10 Neat Facts About G.I. Joe

To celebrate its homegrown hero, Rhode Island governor Donald L. Carcieri proclaimed today to be "G.I. Joe Day." And to help you celebrate, here's a quickie 5 Neat Facts about G.I....

Man Dominates Video Game (or perhaps Vice-Versa...)

Mike Leyde, a 56-year-old California man has "broken" the game of Bejeweled 2.  After playing several hours per day for three years (2200 total hours of game time), he achieved a score that can never be beaten. "Th...

The Intricacies of Giving a "High Five"

[youtube=] YouTube link. Who knew it was so complicated?  Apart from the different techniques of the maneuver itself, there are a variety of social connotations and implicatio...

School Officials Confiscate Toddler's Cheese Sandwich

Officials at a nursery school in Pemberton, England, confiscated the cheese sandwich a two-year old brought to school.  The sandwich was considered to be inappropirate because it did not include either lettuce or tomato...

Little Guys Who Became Historical Heavyweights

History is full of events that would have ended quite differently if some previously unknown person (or animal, in one case) hadn't seized an opportunity. Here are four such stories.The slave you don't mess with...

House Cat Nurses Newborn Bobcats

A house cat in Florida named Bobbi had six kittens and then nursed two other kittens for an animal shelter. Her latest assignment: three bobcat kittens!The baby bobcats — two females named Midnight and Rain, pl...

10 Largest Homes in the United States

Take a look at the ten largest homes in the United States that were built before 1950. Nine of these homes are open to the public and get millions of visitors every year but the one home on the list that is actually...

Telephone Remake

(YouTube link) A group of GIs stationed in Afghanistan lip sync and dance to Lady Gaga's song "Telephone". They did a great job, but you can almost feel the boredom that inspired this. -via YesButNoButYesAfghanistan,...

Stud or Dud?

Racing is in the spotlight as the annual Kentucky Derby is set for tomorrow. Horse breeding and racing are expensive businesses which can pay off big or turn out to be a money pit. Mental_floss has several stories of stu...

A Rare Fly-and-Run Accident

Ken and Carol Marcoux of Boulder, Colorado were parked on the side of a road to watch planes take off from the local airport. They saw a small plane approach, buffeted by the wind. To the couple's horror, the plane...

Fortune Scarf

Noëlle took her favorite fortune found in cookies and made it big enough to wear as a scarf! You can get one at her Etsy store. Link -via The Daily Whatscarf, fortune cookie...


(video link) On this date in 1939, the New York World's fair opened. One of the exhibits was a ride called Futurama, sponsored by General Motors. Visitors got a glimpse of what life would be like in 1960, particularly...

How Did You Know? Day Four

Neatorama is proud to be a co-sponsor of the latest How Did You Know? contest at mental_floss. You could win prizes from the Neato Shop, mental_floss, Motionbox, or Roku. Day three of the five-day tr...

The Chillout Song

An overwhelmed young woman wrote to ZeFrank and asked for a pick-me-up. She sounded depressed, so he wrote a song for her. Then he got other people to sing it as well, and then mixed the voices into a lovely choral a...

Catching Up With The A-Team

The A-Team movie is coming out soon and its sure to stir up the standard anger from the show’s loyal fans like most of these things do, but what is it about the A-Team that has made it such a cultural icon? Is the...

15 Little Known Geek/Nerd Holidays and Observances

The following is a guest post by D. Salmons from iGadget Life. If you are looking for the television reviews or interested in some other products, this website is good for you. We all know about the major hol...

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