The Costco Prank

Rob noticed how easy it would be to reproduce Costco shelf tags at home, so he printed up the most ridiculous product names he and his family could think of and inserted them into shelves at his local store. Then he made more tags and sent them to people all over the country! The correspondents placed more tags and sent pictures back. Although many were taken down quickly, you might want to check your local store for odd products. Link

What a buffoon.

Like working at Costco isn't a kick in the nades enough - this asshat comes along and makes their lives even suckyer by giving them extra work to do. I'm sure the Costco workers got a huge chuckle out of this guys major time waster.

Nothing Neat, or Clever, or Funny here.
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Seems like a lot of trouble for not much gain, but hey I like Costco,you can buy nice large packages of things, which I guess makes it green,although I hav'nt heard that said much.
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I like all the pranks, but must admit, I find it disappointing that you don't get to see any reactions to the prank... what's the fun of the prank then?
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As the person who makes signs for a retail store, I find this quite funny. I'm sure that at least a few non-life-hating costco employees may have also gotten a chuckle, or at least a smirk from this. :)
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When you said "Rob" did this, I guessed the guy at, and I was right. Do I spend too much time on the WWW or what?
But the linked page now says the prank "has been removed". Wonder why. Perhaps removing the evidence if Costco is after his butt? Hmmm....
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