Dead Man Displayed on Motorcycle Rather than in Casket for Wake

(YouTube Link)

When Puerto Rican man David Morales Colón died, he wasn't displayed in a casket at his wake, but astride his motorcycle:
Yesterday and today, callers who stopped to pay their final respects to the late Mr. Colón got a bit of a surprise. Instead of the traditional presentation of the body in a casket, Mr. Colón's corpse, dressed in casual duds and sunglasses, was instead posed in a very lifelike position atop his Repsol-liveried Honda CBR600 F4. According to Puerto Rico's Primera Hora newspaper, the motorcycle was given to the victim by his uncle, and upon Mr. Colón's untimely demise, family members delivered the bike to the funeral home specifically for this unusual wake.

Link via Geekologie

lol i saw this this morning i passed by the funeral home and saw them carrying the bike into it...good to see puerto rico up on the site even if it is this un usual. also this is not the first strange wake on the island last year a man was displayed at his wake standding up
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It's all about how you want people to remember you and I think this is a great way to do it.

It could also have been accomplished with a cremation and a large photo of the man doing this exact thing.

But to each his own. I want to be strapped to a raft with a full suit of armor and a sword and then set ablaze and let to drift over the falls.
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What's up with the whole " When Puerto Rican man,..." thing?
Did you really need to start your story like that? How about just listing the guy's name and leave it up to the reader to figure it out...
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did they have to jam metal rods inside to keep his head up and mouth closed? or just embalm him in that very position... does embalming fluid harden like resin? i can't figure this out.
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Y.u.Dodat perhaps it is because this man was proud to be just that? By mentioning / introducing him like that, one honours him for what he was- A self-conscious proud Puerto Rican national. Mind you- here on Neatorama not all of us are Puerto Ricans -or Americans for that matter.

aware - If they would use hardening type resins to inject the corpse with, they practically would have to hack it in pieces to bury or crmate it after this ceremony. So that would not be wise and rather gruesome. There are different forms of embalming. Most of them are non-evasive except from injecting the body with preservants and treating the skin with products that keep it from deteriorating all to fast. If you look at the positioning of the body, it mostly just rests on the fueltank. For the hands and the feet they can use several different glues that can be quickly and quite harmlessly dissolved after use.
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@ aware

NORMAL embalming procedures don't harden a body that much, but this is decidedly ABNORMAL. However, if you look at the photo in the link, there is some evidence that they use a rig of some kind to keep his head up. For instance, his cap seems to be connected to his shirt, probbaly because it's covering something up. As for keeping his mouth closed, they have different ways of doing that, such as wires or sutures.
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They just did the normal thing idk how they did it.

There's a video after the funeral, that a woman moves his hands and everything because of the speculation of mutilation or what ever to his body. Let me see if I can find it.
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A while back, another young dead Puerto Rican guy was propped up instead of being shown in a casket:,2933,406081,00.html

Perhaps the this motorcycle guy was inspired by the same story before he died? Or could it be a little-known Puerto Rican custom?
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