At some universities, students can design their own majors. Jordan Goldklang of Indiana University is an illusionist, and is majoring in magic:
Link via Geekologie | Photo: Sevil Mahfoozi, Indiana Daily Student
Known as The Great Jordini to some, Jordan Goldklang is a senior from the San Francisco area. He is the only student at IU, and the only one in the U.S., who is majoring in magic — a major he created through IU’s Individualized Major Program.
Since then, he has devoted his time at IU to the major.
Tonight Jordan will present a magic show in Alumni Hall for his final project as an undergraduate. He’s hoping to sell out the venue, which holds 600 people. So far, he’s handed out 1,000 flyers, put up 3,000 posters and invited more than 1,000 people to the event on Facebook.
Link via Geekologie | Photo: Sevil Mahfoozi, Indiana Daily Student
Comments (12)
The sheepskin is being reduced to a paper towel.
Granted, not everyone should need a college education, and we need to do a better job of appreciating that. As a society, we need to put more value on crafts and trades, as well as the (decreasing, but hardly disappearing) necessity of unskilled labor.
@aware - it's an "illusion," "tricks" are what whores do for money...or cocaine