This is a Wild Boar Crash Test

The boar in the photo is a life-size model weighing 150 kg - part of a test conducted by Germany's ADAC automobile club in response to a growing number of roadkill incidents involving large mammals.  Hundreds of thousands of wild boars roam freely in Europe.  If you encounter a boar in the road, the appropriate response may be counterintuitive:
Unfortunately for the animals that stray onto roads, ADAC recommended that drivers do not swerve to avoid them. Trying to spare the animal's life by shifting to the opposite lane entails the far greater danger of smashing into an oncoming car, it said.

That recommendation will be music to the ears of a variety of scavengers, including perhaps some humans.  Two years ago poachers in England were leaving jam sandwiches in the roadways in order to lure deer into roadkill situations.

Link.  Photo credit ADAC.

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The small north central Texas town where I grew up has had its outlying rural areas overtaken by wild boars. Seriously. My brother and sister-in-law wrecked their car trying to avoid hitting one.
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@zavatone : hitting a Kudu is horrible - you basically take the legs out and the full weight of the animal comes through the windshield, I'm glad for your friend - he is lucky to escape such an incident, my cousin hit one and he is now a quadriplegic, only 20 years old.

I've noticed from my own personal experience that there seem to be more animals on the tar roads just after dark, I've always wondered if it is because the road surface retains heat for longer, because it's not natural for these animals to seek out clearings in the bush at night.
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While I don't necessarily question the logic of not swerving into the oncoming lane to avoid hitting an animal, the picture chosen for this article doesn't exactly make it seem like the most viable option either.
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