
If you like geeky physics flash games, you're going to love 1cup1coffee.com.

Here are some of my favorites:

Destroy The Village

Demolition Dude


If you try one, come on back and let me know what level you got up to! I have yet to finish any of them, but am really close on Demolition Dude.

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They don't "steal" their content. Developers make much more money by having their game be distributed on many other sites rather than from just the sponsoring site. If you haven't noticed, the ads only show up on non-sponsoring sites like 1cup1coffee.com and they increase the developer's profits significantly.
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I just beat the village game--188200
Demolition Dude took a little longer but was pretty simple and fun, love the new items as you went up...
Multiball though lol...I love the challenging aspect of it! I'm on level 14 at the moment, and I'm working on figuring it out
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Meh. Not sure how spam sites like this get featured here. 1cup1coffee.com is just a run of the mill flash game site that steals all of their content.

I do like flash games, but I'd much rather have them linked to the developer or sponsor's site.

Even the descriptions on this site are stolen. Lame.
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