A couple of days ago, we told you that we got a mystery Iron Man 2 box from Hasbro and asked what you think are inside. Well, today, we opened it and found ...
A few of the items were immediately yoinked by the Neatoramanauts at the warehouse (not me!) and winners of the Spotlight giveaway were notified by email, but never fear! You can still win the rest (including the big prize):TOYS! Lots of Iron Man 2 toys, courtesy of Hasbro.
Congratulations to SuperHeroDad and rwhgeek who got some cool Iron Man 2 swags, per the giveaway at the Neatorama Spotlight Iron Man 2 Mystery Box: What's Inside? post.
There are 6 more chances to win, including this totally awesome Iron Man 2 Helmet:
Here's how:
- To win via Facebook, post a status update on YOUR wall (not ours), simply saying why you want, nay ... DESERVE, the Iron Man 2 prize. Get as many people to "like" your status update as possible - as we'll pick one with the most likes and 2 winners at random.
Suggestion: "I'm writing this update because I need YOUR help to win something cool from Neatorama. Someone delivered a mysterious Iron Man 2 box to their HQs and I WANT one of the mystery prizes in the box. Please "like" this comment because the one with the most likes and/or comments get one of the prizes! Thanks all!"
Then email david at neatorama dot com a screen grab of your wall with your final tally of likes and/or comments on Friday. If you don't know how to take a screen grab, here are the instructions for PC and Mac.
- To win via Twitter, please tweet the following on Friday: #ff: Follow @neatorama for the neatest stuff on the Web! #ironmancontest
And yes, you can enter both. Both contests end Friday 11:59 PM PST. Good luck!
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