Split-Screen Marketing for Dr. Strangelove

This is a fun example of how the marketing of movies was done in the decade I was born. Media sent the interviewees questions that they would ask, and the actor would give responses while being filmed in split-screen style; the interviewer would then splice their questions onto the other side of the screen, record it, and voila! A live interview for their televised show.

George C. Scott and Peter Sellers chose to do their faux interview on set and in character. But you never know what you're going to get with Sellers...

(YouTube Link)

As if I needed another reason to love this film.

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Nancy B. - Do you seriously think this film doesn't deserve the accolades it gets? I would agree with about Kubrick but I think this film is his best work. George C. Scott's performance alone was worth the price of admission. He was hysterically funny. But, that's why there is chocolate and vanilla ice cream LOL
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It is sad to see this film continue to get the reverence it so sorely does not deserve. Kubrick stole from "Fail Safe" and his studio bullied theatres into not releasing that film. Which was shot BEFORE "Dr. Strangelove". And financed originally outside the studio-system. The man wins again, I guess.
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