About 20 revellers drinking outside Degree bar dived for cover after the promotions worker threatened them with a black imitation pistol about 8pm on Friday.
Witnesses said they heard someone shout "he's got a gun" and outdoor drinkers dived behind their tables.
Degree manager Steph Kurtovich said: "This guy with bandages on his hands pointed a gun at customers sitting outside. They were pretty terrified."
The stunt, to promote the release of Xbox title Splinter Cell Evolution, was condemned by police.
Senior Sergeant Ben Offner said officers could not tell the gun was made of plastic until they had taken it from the actor.
Link via Say Uncle | Image: Ubisoft
That would be his last gig if he did that here.
this was probably the goofballs in marketing, those guys and gals are always hopped up on goofballs. don't blame the developers.
Bad idea for marketing. But it succeeded where their Twitter and Facebook virals failed.
Did it really happen?