Archive for April 18th, 2010

Tiny Sea Creatures Revealed

The Census of Marine Life is a series of projects to find out exactly what lives in our oceans. The latest report is an inventory of microscopic sea creatures such as plankton and animals, some in a larval state. Natio...

The Key That Could Have Saved the Titanic

The key to the binocular case on the bridge of the Titanic was scheduled to be auctioned on Saturday: It belonged to second officer David Blair, transferred from the ship just before its maiden voyage. Bu...

Steampunk Prosthetic Leg

Actually, it's a leg covering, but I think that the artist's goal was to create the impression of a functional, steampunk-style artificial leg. deviantART user Skinz-N-Hydez made this 13-14 pound leg and his gallery...

The 10 Weirdest Urban Ecosystems

io9 takes a look at cities with something different, whether it's a colony of feral dogs who live side-by-side with city residents, a town on fire, underground office spaces, or microorganisms that flourish in toxic slud...

Cirque du Soleil's "Wheel of Death"

I saw Cique du Soleil's show, Kooza, today. The entire show was amazing; as usual these people never fail to come up with outrageous acts and stunts. This highlight, called The Wheel of Death, is decidedly my favorite pa...

The Favorite Books of 50 Famous Authors

For Joyce Carol Oats, it's Crime and Punishment. For Carl Hiassen, it's Catch-22. The blog Online Degrees has a list of the favorite books of fifty famous authors. Here's a selection: *em...

The Circle of Leaf

Photo: robherr [Flickr]With just a handful of Manzanita leaves, photographer Rob Herr captured the metaphorical essence of life on Earth, from birth to death and decay. Found at The SciencePunk Blog. I claim no credit fo...

3-Parent Embryo

If you think cloning humans is controversial, science is about to throw another curve ball: 3-parent embryos.Researchers have produced human embryos containing DNA from three people, a biotechnological proof-of-princ...

Donkey Basketball: Is It Animal Cruelty?

How can you make basketball more fun? Just add donkeys!Donkey basketball is a popular annual event at the Snohomish High School in Washington. The donkeys themselves seem to have a good time, but not everybody's tickled...

The School Cafeteria Strikes Back ... With Cheese!

Whatever you do, don't piss off the cafeteria staff. Here's what students at Atlantic City High School learned the hard way:School administrators have found an effective way to crack down on students who engage in fo...

The Genetic Disease That Completely Erases Racial Bias

Is racial bias hardcoded into our genes? Here's the interesting discovery that children with Williams Syndrome, a rare neurodevelopmental disorder, are incapable of racial bias: WILLIAMS Syndrome (WS) is a rare neuro...

Man Found Long-Lost Brother Living Across The Street From His House

When Tommy Larkin went looking for his long-lost brother Stephen Goosney, little did he knew how far (or in this case, how close) the search would take him:“She gave me his name and asked me four or five times...

The Can Man

Meet Gene Pool, an eco-activist who specializes in making wardrobe out of stuff that other people threw away. His crowning achievement is a wearable suit made from 500 aluminum cans; you'll see why he's called ... The Ca...

Proven by Science: Jealousy CAN Make You Blind

An experiment by psychology professors Steven Most and Jean-Philippe Laurenceau confirmed that some women are indeed "blinded by jealousy": Psychologists sat 25 young couples down next to each other at adja...

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