Sure, you could hire a funny clown to entertain people, but why not hire an evil clown to stalk and torment someone? That's the service that Dominic Deville of Lucerne, Switzerland, according to a report in the Austria Times: via Nerdcore | Photo: Europics | Previously on Neatorama: Coulrophobia: Fear of Clowns
First he contacts 'victims' to tell them they're being watched.
Then he taunts them with texts, phone calls and booby trapped letters warning them that at sometime in their party he's going to smash a cake into their face. via Nerdcore | Photo: Europics | Previously on Neatorama: Coulrophobia: Fear of Clowns
Comments (7)
yes, it's true, we do not eat bacon around here. As much as I would like to decline that sentence to something that is more suitable of your opinionism, I think it would be easier if you just bought a machine gun and showed the world your outrage about the sheer existence of people who, to cut this short and execute a nicely cynical change in style, weigh less than 500 pounds.
Yours faithfully,
Max Power
As per the clown... it sounds like it borders on harassment.
I enjoy Neatorama, I know everyone can comment as they feel fit about the content of an article, but what is the cause of Max Powers' blatant anti-Americanism???
Yours truly. (not) Max Power
Erm. Sounds like he's gonna have a fun time in jail and/or hospital.
I'm not frightened of clowns, but I find this incredibly creepy.